alice-teacher Alice 2 or 3?

Frederick, Kevin K.Frederick at
Sun Aug 19 00:52:10 EDT 2012

Hi there,

Relative newbie to Alice here. My question is: how different is Alice 2 from Alice 3, on the surface, for the beginning student? Would Alice 3 be okay to start with, especially for new students in conjunction with the Dann/Cooper/Pausch text?

Setting: I am teaching an intro to java programming course in high school. Most students have done no substantive programming. Some have played with flash. They are expecting to get into Java by the end of the course, and the course can be open-ended. My current idea is Alice -> Greenfoot -> wherever the individual students/groups want to go.

To restate my question: Given my setting, should I start with Alice 2 or Alice 3 or maybe Alice 2 then Alice 3?

All feedback, thoughts, and redirections are appreciated!


Kevin Frederick
High School Mathematics
Tel. +43 1 40132 2244
The American International School * Vienna
Salmannsdorfer Strasse 47
A-1190 Vienna, Austria<>
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