alice-teacher s Digest, Vol 25, Issue 10

Don Slater don at
Thu Aug 16 14:00:55 EDT 2012

I believe that the book may be worth checking out, but everyone should be aware that this book seems to be based on the AliceBeta 3.0 version, which is significantly different from Alice 3.1 which was released yesterday. There is a major difference between the models in Alice Gallery in 3.0 and 3.1, both in content and structure.

I also have to point out that the author has not had any contact with the Alice Project.Not that she had to, but we were never able to inform her of the changes in the software.

I will soon be publishing a document detailing the differences between Alice 2.2and Alice 3.1, and it will also contain notes on the difference between the 3.0 and 3.1.

Let me know if you have any questions.

All the best,
Don Slater

On Aug 15, 2012, at 10:35 PM, Michael Cohen <mcohen at> wrote:

> On Aug 15, 2012, at 12:00 PM, alice-teachers-request at wrote:
>> Do you know of any books out there or books that will be coming out about
>> Alice 3.1?
> Readers of this list might be interested in this book, which can be purchased online:
> @book{olsen11,
> 	note = "\initials{isbn}-10\,1-849514-92-5, \initials{isbn}-13\,978-1-849514-92-7",
> 	year = {2011},
> 	author = {Vanesa S. Olsen},
> 	title = {Alice 3 Cookbook},
> 	pages = {340},
> 	abstract = {Part of Packt's cookbook series, each chapter focuses on a different aspect of working with Alice. Each recipe has practical, step-by-step instructions with lots of screenshots. This book is designed primarily for teachers developing education plans and willing to exploit 3D environments using Alice 3. Alice users who want to improve their Alice programming skills will also find this book useful as it offers innovative 3D models in action. Some basic knowledge of Alice and how it works is necessary, although you are not expected to have worked with version 3 before.},
> 	publisher = "{Packt Publishing Ltd.}",
> 	address = "{Birmingham, UK}"
> }
> Prof. Michael Cohen, Ph.D.
> Spatial Media Group, Computer Arts Lab.
> University of Aizu
> Aizu-Wakamatsu, Fukushima-ken  965-8580
> Japan
> voice: [+81](242)37-2537
> fax: [+81](242)37-2549
> email: mcohen at
> www:
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