alice-teacher Alice 3.1

Gamez, Enrique A (172B) enrique.a.gamez at
Wed Aug 15 11:55:17 EDT 2012

I read that the Alice 2.x and 3.x series are both being maintained, not merely to help in a transition but they're being targeted at different levels of students.  I'd like to understand a bit more about this decision.  You obviously have limited resources to maintain a free product like this and I'd rather see you guys put all your eggs in v3 so that we can be assured timely updates and improved features.  Even a company like Apple stops supporting previous versions of their software.

On differentiating the two versions:  all I read is that there are configuration parameters available in 3.x (I have yet to install it) that are appropriate for older learners.  Does this mean that if we don't enable these special parms the 3.x series will be appropriate for younger learners?

On compatibility:  can "worlds" created with 2.x be opened with the 3.x product?  If not, is there a conversion utility in the works or available?  Will there be a "was : is" chart for those wanting to port their creations to Alice 3.x?

Thank you,

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