alice-teacher Alice Instructor for CTD-Northwestern Univ.

Jamie Christine Guess jamie.guess at
Wed Aug 1 15:55:35 EDT 2012

The Center for Talent Development at Northwestern University will be running an Alice class for 5th-6th grade students in Mendota Heights, MN, Oct. 13-14, 2012.

CTD is seeking an Alice teacher for this workshop in Mendota Heights, MN.

CTD runs these two day intensives (9a-2:30p each day) throughout the Midwest to introduce academically advanced students (kids working a grade or two above current grade level and testing at the 95% or higher on a nationally normed test).

Our classes cap at 18 and the instructor would receive a stipend of $500.  There would be a teaching assistant available for them if more than 12 kids enroll.

If I can answer any questions, please don't hesitate to contact me.

I appreciate your time and consideration!

Thank you,

Jamie Christine Guess, M.Ed.
jamie.guess at

Assistant Coordinator
Saturday Enrichment Program (SEP)
Accelerated Weekend Experience (AWE)
Center for Talent Development
Northwestern University
617 Dartmouth Place
Evanston, IL 60208	
Phone: 847-467-2179
Fax: 847-491-3394

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