alice-teacher sorting array

Carol LeMieux clemieux at
Tue May 17 19:56:53 EDT 2011

No having a great deal of experience, but I had a similar problem once upon
a time in my college programming days. I think you need to either clear or
delete the temporary list, before doing the pass again.

On Wed, May 18, 2011 at 2:14 AM, Eric Lozaw <LozawEr at> wrote:

> I'm sure alot of you have come across this problem, it is very frustrating
> being the only computer teacher in this school.  Obviously no one to look at
> your work and bounce things off of.  I currently have this problem with
> making a list of numbers.  Since you can't see the code I'm writing I'll try
> to explain as clear as possible.  In my program I take in a list of numbers
> with one method and I do one pass through and get it sorted correctly with
> another method. As it's being sorted the numbers are taken out of the
> original list and put into a temporary list. I follow the numbers and it is
> doing it correctly at this point. After the first pass I then set the
> original list to equal the temporary list and try to pass through the sort
> method again.  This is where it gets wierd.  On the second pass the sorting
> algorithm is trying to use the temporary list and not the list that is
> called upon in my method.
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Carol LeMieux
Technology Integration Specialist
Asia Pacific Int'l School
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