alice-teacher Problems Opening Alice 2.2 from CD or Web

Gabriel Alvarez gaboatbugil at
Tue Jan 25 03:03:01 EST 2011

Hello Folks,

I am new to teaching Alice to Korean students. We've selected Alice to be
our opening door to the  Java world.
Right now, one of my students who has a 32-bit Windows 7 computer has a
problem opening Alice.

She downloaded the 2.2 CD version that comes with the Alice text, as well as
the Web version, unfortunately, still doesn't work.

Has anyone out there faced a similar problems running Alice 2.2 on their
PC?? Any feedback from this community is greatly appreciated.



*Gabriel J. Alvarez*
*Education Technology/CS Instructor*
Bugil Academy 61 Dandaero
Shinbu-dong,Dongnam-gu,Cheonan-si,Chungnam-do,South Korea 330-941
Tel: 82-41-520-8845  Fax: 82-41-520-8820 http: /
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