alice-teacher Thoughts re: repository
Leslyn Hardee
leslyn.hardee at
Tue Feb 1 00:36:15 EST 2011
You are able to lock pages if necessary so that only administrators can access those pages to make changes, yet through the discussion tab, others can leave feedback and ideas... just in case you were not aware. I presented on Wiki's at the NC State Gifted Conference two years ago and the 'wiki wizards' were MORE than helpful in accomodating what I needed for my presentation... perhaps wetpain (I am not as familiar with that one, but just as a suggestion). Thank you letting us know that you have looked into this. Wikispaces may even be willing to donate a private site as a tax deduction as well.... can't hurt to ask!
Leslyn Davis "Hardee"
Our greatest glory is not in never falling, but in getting up every time we do. - Confucius
> From: dslater at
> Date: Mon, 31 Jan 2011 14:29:25 -0500
> To: alice-teachers at
> Subject: alice-teacher Thoughts re: repository
> We are currently working on the development of the repository that everyone has expressed such keen interest in. We have recently received support to make the project possible, which is very exciting. However, it will take some time to get the repository up and fully functioning. I would be surprised if we see it before next fall. We appreciate your patience.
> An important element of this repository is the ability to control access with a login / password combination. As with, we take seriously the responsibility to maintain the integrity of all the Alice courses that are being taught. We believe that support materials that include problem solutions and test answers should be protected.
> We have looked at wiki's before, and we have never been able to login / password combination that we were comfortable with.
> We certainly want to encourage the sharing of resources in the community, and are doing our best to develop a system that facilitates this sharing as conveniently, transparently, yet securely as possible.
> Thank you,
> Don Slater
> Alice Team
> Carnegie Mellon University
> 5000 Forbes Avenue
> Pittsburgh, PA 15213
> Office phone: (412) 268-4370
> I have learned this at least by my experiment: that if one advances confidently in the direction of his dreams, and endeavors to live the life he has imagined, he will meet with a success unexpected in common hours.
> --- Henry David Thoreau
> On Jan 31, 2011, at 10:11 AM, Leslyn Hardee wrote:
> > I will be happy to assist in writing a grant if I can be of help in funding the need to continue this program. As a gifted specialist; but teacher first-- I can certainly see the impact it has had on my children! As it was origionally created to interest middle school girls to leam them into the S.T.E.M. arena, it is useful across all grade levels! Please let me know how I can be of assistance. One thought may be to create a wikispace where informatin can be posted and shared among users at no cost!
> >
> > Leslyn Davis "Hardee"
> > Our greatest glory is not in never falling, but in getting up every time we do. - Confucius
> >
> >
> >
> > <snip>
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