alice-teacher Alice 3.0 hummmm

Lance Allen lanceallen.allen at
Thu Dec 22 12:51:25 EST 2011

What is the link to Alice on Facebook? Thank you.

On Wed, Dec 21, 2011 at 12:00 PM, Don Slater <dslater at> wrote:

> See answers below...
> On Dec 19, 2011, at 11:53 AM, Melia, James E. wrote:
> > 1. Certain objects import and turn the run screen red (as opposed to the
> green grass with other objects). Any ideas on what causes this?
> When an Alice model is created in 3D Modeling software such as Maya or
> 3DStudio Max, the process includes creating a mesh (skin) and a skeleton as
> an integrated whole, and the subparts that we can manipulate are integral
> parts of this skeleton. However, there are certain models in the Alice 2
> gallery, typically scenes, that were not created in this way, but instead
> are composites of different pre-existing models that are brought together
> to form these larger models. In Alice these components are viewed as
> subparts, and yet they are not part of the skeletal structure of the
> overall model. Alice 2 is equipped to deal with htese differences, and it
> does not cause problems.
> However, the process that we used to import Alice 2 models into the Alice
> 3 infrastructure did not try and differentiate between the composite models
> and the standard models, and now the Alice 3 VM, on most machines, will
> sometimes gag trying to render these particular models. Sometimes updating
> the video drives of your graphics card will alleviate some of these
> problems, but more often it does not.
> On windows machines, when running Alice 3, the console window is
> displayed, and you will see output in the console indicating there is "no
> geometry for this model". Some of these will still sometimes render without
> problem.
> We are in the process of redoing the Alice 3 gallery in a pretty
> significant way, and we will be eliminating these models from the
> collection.
> The models I know for sure that are problematic are the ocean floor, and
> the pond, but I know that there are others...
> >
> > 2. I would like the helicopter blades to turn when the world starts. Any
> ideas?
> In Alice 3, there is a control structure called "Do in thread". Drag a "Do
> in thread" into the beginning of the run method, or the performMySetup
> method (preferred), and in that thread create a "while (true)" loop that
> turns the propeller at the desired speed.
> I will talk about threads in more detail in a future Tips and Techniques.
> But for now, we take for granted the fact that a computer system can do
> more than one thing at a time, play music, chat, read email, etc.
> Concurrency is the ability to perform several operations at the same time
> on a computer. There are different ways that this is implemented on modern
> computers. We can think of a process as the execution of a program, and a
> computer is always running multiple processes when we work with a computer
> (many in the background that we are completely unaware of.) Threads are
>  particular routines that run at the same time in one program. The
> DoTogether in Alice is the best example of multiple threads executing
> different routines at the same time.
> DoInThread launches one particular thread for one particular routine that
> we want to run independently of whatever else is going on in our animation
> (a propeller on a helicopter turning, playing background music, etc).
> >
> > 3. Keyboard controls: make the ball go up, down, forward with keyboard….
> The subject of this weeks Tips and Techniques. It should be posted later
> today on Facebook, and I will post a link on the listserv as well…
> I hope that this helps…
> All the best,
> Don Slater
> >
> >
> > I knew this stuff in 2.2. Need held on how to do the same thing in 3.0.
> > Thank you!
> >
> > Jim Melia
> >
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