alice-teacher Physics principles in Alice?

Graham Toal gtoal at
Fri Apr 22 12:33:30 EDT 2011

"Susana (Suki) Wessling" <suki at> wrote:

> Does anyone know if any of the usual game creation programs - Scratch,
> Alice, etc. - can be used to create physics-type games? If not, which
> programs might be best to start out with? This is for my almost 10
> year old.

I know exactly what you're looking for and I remembering bookmarking 2 or 3 relevant sites, but I have such a huge set of bookmarks spread over too many machines, that I'm having trouble finding them :-(

But if this is the sort of thing you're looking for, I'll spend a few more minutes looking them out for you:

I believe there are also some commercial physics games that are customizable so you can build your own problems in their frameworks.  I think one of them is web-based.


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