alice-teacher resources - Aust

Swetnam Family family at
Mon Apr 4 12:13:21 EDT 2011

I, too, would love to receive the fruits of your hard work!  Thank you for

  -----Original Message-----
  From: at
[ at]O
n Behalf Of Pamela V. Holley (pvholley)
  Sent: Monday, April 04, 2011 9:06 AM
  To: Alice educators
  Subject: Re: alice-teacher resources - Aust

  David I would also like to be added to your list. Thanks

  From: at
[ at lists.andrew.cmu.e
du] On Behalf Of Elizabeth Ku
  Sent: Sunday, April 03, 2011 8:16 PM
  To: Alice educators
  Subject: Re: alice-teacher resources - Aust

  Hello, David:

  I would just like to add my enthusiastic request to your growing list.  I
would greatly appreciate it.



  On Sun, Apr 3, 2011 at 7:01 PM, David Fenton <fenton at> wrote:

  G'day again Alice teachers,

  For those who saw my post to Deedee and have also requested access to my
resources...please be advised that I am a busy lecturer and unit coordinator
and will answer you and post a selection of materials shortly - patience. It
might take me a couple of days (min). Am extremely snowed under with work
commitments atm. If I haven't sent them by this Friday (Apr 8th) then
someone will notice and "wake-me up". These resources took me 6 months to
prepare, so although I am willing to share, I also need to consider the time
it takes to bundle them together, which is a lower priority than the work
that my business pays me for! As I mentioned, I have relied heavily on the
existing free resources available at the Alice site, and many of my
materials are a re-hash and rework of those into my own templates and
teaching style and arranged to fit my teaching schedule. Am happy to post
the schedule and some materials, but remember - this is my first foray into
this world as well. I can report more details at the beginning of July when
my unit will be over and I will be moderating and analysing how it went.

  Best wishes and cheers
  David Ô¿Ô

  -----Original Message-----
  From: at
[ at] On
Behalf Of Herrera, Deedee
  Sent: Saturday, 2 April 2011 5:28 AM
  To: Alice educators
  Subject: Re: alice-teacher Alice Institute at CMU

  Hi David,
  Thank you for the explanation, great idea.  I would love to have a copy of
your teaching schedule and sample lectures, worksheets and tasks.  Thank you
for sharing.

  >>> David Fenton <fenton at> 3/31/2011 5:58 PM >>>
  G'day Deedee,

  I basically re-thought the whole teaching process based around
object-oriented programming instead of structured programming. I based it
heavily on the resources available from the Alice site, but put it all into
my templates and teaching style. I deliver lectures each week which are
followed up by worksheets that students must complete for homework (they get
the answers from the lectures). We then have three follow-up practical
classes where they must do specific tasks based around Alice. Sometimes I
just get them to do an Alice tutorial, other times I give them complete
instructions ... do this, do that, then do this etc. I can send you a copy
of our teaching schedule if you are interested and some sample lectures,
worksheets, tasks. We also get students to do a practical test in a 50
minutes session and offer them an opportunity to present a project
demonstrating their skills. I haven't written the project specifications
yet. We teach NS Diagrams as a planning method instead of flowcharts.

  David Ô¿Ô
  David Fenton (DipTeach, BEd, TTC, GradDipComp, DipBusAdmin, MInfTech,
  Information Technology Department
  UQ Foundation Year
  International Education Services Ltd
  PO Box 989
  Spring Hill  QLD  4004
  Ph:  +61 7 3832 7699
  Fax: +61 7 3832 9850
  CRICOS No. 01697J

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  -----Original Message-----
  From: at
[ at] On
Behalf Of Herrera, Deedee
  Sent: Friday, 1 April 2011 2:31 AM
  To: 'Alice educators'
  Subject: Re: alice-teacher Alice Institute at CMU

  Hi David,
  I would love to hear your ideas of how you rewrote the Visual Basic class.
We are in the process of trying to update as well.

  -----Original Message-----
  From: at
[ at] On
Behalf Of David Fenton
  Sent: Wednesday, March 30, 2011 10:33 PM
  To: Alice educators
  Subject: Re: alice-teacher Alice Institute at CMU

  Wow, I would love to attend, but I am in Brisbane Australia!
  <grin>When's a workshop to be schedule here?</grin> I have just completed
six months of writing a course based around Alice to replace our ageing
Visual Basic course for post-secondary students. I love Alice. It is already
solving many issues regarding student focus and attention span!

  David Fenton (DipTeach, BEd, TTC, GradDipComp, DipBusAdmin, MInfTech,
MACS) Information Technology Department UQ Foundation Year International
Education Services Ltd PO Box 989 Spring Hill  QLD  4004
  CRICOS No. 01697J

  -----Original Message-----
  From: at
[ at] On
Behalf Of Don Slater
  Sent: Wednesday, 30 March 2011 11:03 PM
  To: Alice Teachers
  Subject: alice-teacher Alice Institute at CMU

  Carnegie Mellon will host the Alice Institute for interested high school
and college instructors. This Institute will consist of two workshops. The
first workshop will be focused on Alice 2.2 and will be held June 19 - June
24. Plan on arriving on Sunday, June 19, and departing Friday afternoon,
June 24. This workshop will explore the Alice 2.2 programming environment as
an effective and engaging tool to introduce students from middle school
through college level to programming and Computer Science, perhaps in
preparation for a CS 1 course.

  The second workshop will be focused on Alice 3, and will be held June 26 -
July 1. Plan on arriving on Sunday, June 26, and departing Friday afternoon,
July 1. This workshop will explore the Alice 3 programming environment as an
effective and engaging tool for students in a Computer Science 1 or Advanced
Placement course in Java.

  Working with nationally recognized experts in Alice, a tool developed at
Carnegie Mellon, teachers in both workshops will develop an understanding of
Alice, and teaching methods suitable for presenting Alice in their own
unique environment. The workshop is appropriate for any instructor who is
considering or currently using Alice in a pre-CS1 or CS1 course.

  You should note that there is a registration fee of $300, plus your
housing and meals. More details and registration page can be found at:

  Let me know if you have any questions.

  Donald Slater
  Alice Team
  Carnegie Mellon University
  5000 Forbes Avenue
  Pittsburgh, PA 15213

  Office phone: (412) 268-4370

  I have learned this at least by my experiment: that if one advances
confidently in the direction of his dreams, and endeavors to live the life
he has imagined, he will meet with a success unexpected in common hours.
  --- Henry David Thoreau

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