alice-teacher Tutorials for Storytelling Alice

Gustav Delius gustav.delius at
Sun Dec 26 06:27:27 EST 2010

I find the tutorials created by Susan Rodger and Alice Team at Duke
University and posted under the Creative Commons license at very useful indeed.
I was wondering whether a similar collection of tutorials exists for
Storytelling Alice or whether it would be worthwhile adapting the
Alice tutorials for Storytelling Alice.

I realise that Alice 3.0 is supposed to make Storytelling Alice
redundant, by offering the same kind of high-level methods useful for
programming stories, but also for Alice 3.0 I have not been able to
find a similar collection of tutorials.

Dr Gustav W Delius, Department of Mathematics
University of York, York, YO10 5DD, United Kingdom
Tel.: +44 (1904) 433 077, Fax.: +44 (1904) 433 071, office: G/110

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