alice-teacher Examples of student projects

Shawn Carlson scarlson at
Tue Dec 7 14:09:50 EST 2010

Alice educators <alice-teachers at> writes:
>I don't want to get everyone's expectations up............ teaching Alice
>for the first time, I found resources on you tube, in text, on the
>internet, and within my own students as they took the course. What I have
>found is a variety of resources and information in a variety of places,
>so my offer to send a teacher a copy of my recently completed unit puts
>all of the worksheets, teaching videos, and tests that I used in one
>package. I guess that caught on, because I have sent out almost 50 dvd's
>to date, and will continue to honor all requests. That includes 5
>DIFFERENT countries, and it's kind of a blast to send this to so many
>different places. My only hope is that you find this resource helpful in
>some way as you begin to aquaint yourself with this wonderful program.
>This dvd is a good starting point that will get you going. I will also
>send the disc to those that have suggested hosting this unit on a server.
>If there is a way to go online and pull down this folder with e!
> ase, I'm all for it. I don't know how to do that, but I do know how to
>burn and mail a DVD.
>I look forward to your input, and possibly some collaboration as we find
>ways to mee the needs of our teachers that are going to use this program.
>Jim Melia
>jmelia at

Hi Jim,

This does sound great.  If you could send me a copy, I will gladly
reimburse you for postage and the DVD. 

Shawn Carlson
Assistant Principal
Boothbay Region High School
236 Townsend Avenue
Boothbay Harbor, ME 04538
scarlson at
207-633-2421 (work)
207-380-7889 (cell)

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