[Access Lunch] [Accessibility Lunch] - 2/24 GHC 6115 @ 12 PM

Peya Mowar pmowar at andrew.cmu.edu
Fri Feb 21 13:06:55 EST 2025

Hi everyone, This Monday, we have Kayo Yin from UC Berkeley joining us  
in-person for accessibility lunch. Please find the talk details below:  
Title: AI for Signed Languages: Challenges and Opportunities Abstract:  
Signed languages are complex natural languages that rely on multiple  
articulators moving simultaneously in 3D space. Despite recent advances in  
AI and language modeling, developing technology that can truly understand  
and work with signed languages remains challenging. This talk will  
introduce the linguistic properties of American Sign Language (ASL) that  
underscore the complexity of signed language modeling, and discuss current  
progress in signed language technology. Then, I will dive deeper into our  
recent work on developing AI-powered tools to make STEM education more  
accessible to deaf and hard-of-hearing students. Finally, I will conclude  
with open challenges and future directions for signed language AI research.  
Bio: Kayo Yin is a PhD student at UC Berkeley advised by Jacob Steinhardt  
and Dan Klein. She currently works on LLM interpretability and NLP for  
signed languages. Before that, she was a Master’s student at Carnegie  
Mellon University advised by Graham Neubig, and completed her undergraduate  
studies at École Polytechnique. Her research has been recognized by the ACL  
2023 Best Resource Paper award, EMNLP 2022 Best Paper Honorable Mention  
award, ACL 2021 Best Theme Paper award, a Siebel Scholarship, the Thomas  
Clarkson medal, and the Vitalik Buterin Fellowship on AI Safety. We will  
meet in GHC 6115 for this fascinating talk! Additionally, we have a sign-up  
sheet if people want to meet the speaker:  
Thanks and regards, Peya

Accessibility Lunch Seminar
Monday Feb 24, 2025 ⋅ 12pm – 1pm
Eastern Time - New York

GHC 6115, Gates and Hillman Centers, 3, Gates Hillman Complex, 4902 Forbes  
Ave, Pittsburgh, PA 15213, USA	

Accessibility Lunch Schedule 2024  

CMU Accessibility Lunch Seminar SeriesAbout: This seminar series explores  
the evolution and future directions of accessibility research and practice.  
Each week, we discuss diverse facets of accessible and assistive  
technologies, featuring speakers from academia, industry, and beyond. The  
seminar is organised by the Accessibility Research Group at Carnegie Mellon  
University.Peya Mowar is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.Join Zoom  
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Peya Mowar - creator
accessibility-lunch at lists.andrew.cmu.edu

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