[Access Lunch] Accessibility Lunch is back on January 27th!

Peya Mowar pmowar at andrew.cmu.edu
Sat Jan 25 16:40:53 EST 2025

Hi everyone, Accessibility Lunch Seminar Series resumes on 27th January! We  
are a community that designs, makes, and studies technology to make the  
world accessible. Every Monday at noon, we meet to talk about each others'  
work, listen to local accessibility advocates, or hear from guest speakers.  
This Monday, Yi-Hao will provide an overview of the technical contributions  
of accessible computing and introduce the exciting lineup of upcoming guest  
talks this semester! From the early days when AI technologies were not yet  
effective, he will discuss early research that paved the way for current  
advancements. It is an opportunity to reflect on where we have been and set  
the stage for deeper discussions on where we are headed. Logistics: We will  
meet in NSH 4201 this Monday. However, most days in the semester, we will  
meet in Gates 6115. Please keep an eye out for my emails before every talk  
for the correct location. Alternatively, the calendar invites will contain  
the updated information and the semester schedule attached. They also  
include the Zoom link for remote attendees. That said, please join us in  
person if you can! Looking forward to meeting everyone in this new year! :)

Accessibility Lunch Seminar
Monday Jan 27, 2025 ⋅ 12pm – 1pm
Eastern Time - New York

NSH 4201, Newell-Simon Hall, Hamerschlag Dr, Pittsburgh, PA 15213, USA	

Accessibility Lunch Schedule 2024  

CMU Accessibility Lunch Seminar SeriesAbout: This seminar series explores  
the evolution and future directions of accessibility research and practice.  
Each week, we discuss diverse facets of accessible and assistive  
technologies, featuring speakers from academia, industry, and beyond. The  
seminar is organised by the Accessibility Research Group at Carnegie Mellon  
University.Peya Mowar is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.Join Zoom  
ID: 992 8285 1029Passcode: a11y---One tap  
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Osaka)Meeting ID: 992 8285 1029Passcode: 818322

Peya Mowar - creator
accessibility-lunch at lists.andrew.cmu.edu

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