[Access Lunch] Next Week Speaker: Yi-hao Peng
Francisco Calisto
fcalisto at andrew.cmu.edu
Fri Nov 11 16:59:31 EST 2022
Hello All,
Next week, we will have Yi-hao Peng presenting his work titled "*Diffscriber:
Describing Visual Design Changes to Support Mixed-Ability Collaborative
Presentation Authoring*" and published in UIST 2022. As follows, you will
have the document and abstract. We hope to see you all physically or
remotely via Zoom!
Visual slide-based presentations are ubiquitous, yet slide authoring tools
are largely inaccessible to people who are blind or visually impaired
(BVI). When authoring presentations, the 9 BVI presenters in our formative
study usually work with sighted collaborators to produce visual slides
based on the text content they produce. While BVI presenters valued
collaborators’ visual design skill, the collaborators often felt they could
not fully review and provide feedback on the visual changes that were made.
We present Diffscriber, a system that identifies and describes changes to a
slide’s content, layout, and style for presentation authoring. Using our
system, BVI presentation authors can efficiently review changes to their
presentation by navigating either a summary of high-level changes or
individual slide elements. To learn more about changes of interest,
presenters can use a generated change hierarchy to navigate to lower-level
change details and element styles. BVI presenters using Diffscriber were
able to identify slide design changes and provide feedback more easily as
compared to using only the slides alone. More broadly, Diffscriber
illustrates how advances in detecting and describing visual differences can
improve mixed-ability collaboration.
*Yi-Hao Peng*, Jason Wu, Jeffrey Bigham, and Amy Pavel. 2022. *Diffscriber:
> Describing Visual Design Changes to Support Mixed-Ability Collaborative
> Presentation Authoring*. In Proceedings of the 35th Annual ACM Symposium
> on User Interface Software and Technology (UIST '22). Association for
> Computing Machinery, New York, NY, USA, Article 35, 1–13.
> https://doi.org/10.1145/3526113.3545637
The Accessibility Lunch will be next Wednesday at 12pm. The meeting will
happen both in person (NSH 1109) and online (
There will be pizza, so we encourage you to come in person!
Best regards,
Francisco Maria Calisto
Twitter: @FMCalisto <https://twitter.com/FMCalisto>
GitHub: @FMCalisto <https://github.com/FMCalisto>
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