[Access Lunch] Readings for 4/15
Cynthia Bennett
cbennet2 at andrew.cmu.edu
Sun Apr 11 11:33:16 EDT 2021
Hi Everyone,
We'll read 2 (attached) pieces this week on challenges and opportunities for HCI to inform the design of diabetes technologies. They were selected by Sara Kingsley. The first article surveyed challenges users with type 1 diabetes have using insulin pumps. The second reading overviews advancements in DIY diabetes management technologies and associated pros and cons of unregulated medical technology.
As always, join us at Accessibility Lunch on Thursday, April 15th at 1:30 PM EST here. To access the meeting, please use this Zoom conference link: https://cmu.zoom.us/j/95170225799?pwd=UkhZWmwwUkp6M3BMR1dsM0taNjNnZz09
Finally, please be in touch when you'd like to lead discussion and we will work together to choose a reading.
See you Thursday,
Cynthia L. Bennett<https://www.bennettc.com/>
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