[Access Lunch] Happening today: Readings for this week. *Note Our New Meeting Link

Cynthia Bennett cbennet2 at andrew.cmu.edu
Thu Mar 4 08:14:13 EST 2021

Hi Everyone,

I am so sorry this is late coming. This week, we’ll continue our discussion about communication by watching and listening to 2 recent offerings from alternative communicators comprising autistic people who do not speak at all or who speak sometimes. Specifics about the videos we will watch, instead of doing readings, are below the join information.

  *   When: Thursday, march 4 from 1:30 to 2:30 PM Eastern Time.
  *   Where: https://cmu.zoom.us/j/95170225799?pwd=UkhZWmwwUkp6M3BMR1dsM0taNjNnZz09
  *   Who: We welcome you to invite your colleagues outside CMU, but please do not share this link publicly.

We have two videos for this week.

First, this short film called Listen<https://communicationfirst.org/listen/> was released as a response to the recently-released movie, Music. A Google search will educate you on the problems autistic people have found with the film and popstar Sia who directed it. But this film offers a response centering nonspeaking and sometimes-speaking autistic people. The website also includes a transcript of the video if you prefer to engage in that way.

Second, this panel of autistic people<https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7VFLt7YMFxg&fbclid=IwAR32YEE_0jH9Jza7rfpMX1Q78jnqyzZE0_RW1c-Pe0MMGw1wqxgxSDfyGEk> offers a bit more information about communication preferences, philosophy of communication, and advocacy in the area. You may change the watch speed of this 90 minute video.

I understand this is coming late so please engage with the materials as you can.

We would love folks to offer to choose a reading one week during the semester. Please let me know when you’d like to present.

Thanks and see you soon,

Cynthia L. Bennett<https://www.bennettc.com/>
Pronouns: she/her<https://www.mypronouns.org/she-her>



Google Scholar<https://scholar.google.com/citations?user=4S6LJh8AAAAJ&hl=en>

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