[Access Lunch] 8/29 Speaker: Patrick Carrington on SpokeSense

Cole Gleason cgleason at cs.cmu.edu
Tue Aug 27 17:12:50 EDT 2019

Hi all!

Join us this Thursday at noon in NSH 1109 to hear Patrick Carrington speak
about the SpokeSense project! Patrick is a new faculty member in HCII, and
has a research focus on accessibility, especially around motor impairments
and wheelchair design.

Title: SpokeSense: Developing a Real-time Sensing Platform for Wheelchair

SpokeSense is a sensing solution designed for wheelchair basketball players
that provides support for both long-term and real-time analysis of
athlete's performance.

We have more speakers (see the schedule on the website
<http://accessibility.cs.cmu.edu/#lunch>) scheduled for this semester, but
there are still open slots! Email me (cgleason at cs.cmu.edu) if you would
like to speak or invite someone else to speak!

Cole Gleason
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