[ACTION REQUESTED] Academic Calendar 2021-22 Update #3
James Gallicchio
jgallicc at andrew.cmu.edu
Sat May 15 21:52:59 EDT 2021
Hi all,
I was way over-optimistic when I said I'd have an update for two weekends
ago, so I deeply apologize for this being *much* later than intended. Two
things today:
*1) Share your thoughts on this proposal for Spring 2022:*
I listed the important bits of the current calendar (full one posted here
with proposed
modifications in red:
*... Fall semester ...*
*Dec 3:* Last day of class
*Dec 6-14:* Finals week (makeup finals on Dec 14)
*Dec 17:* Grades due
*... Winter Break ...*
*Jan 10:* First day of class *(currently, Jan 18)*
*Jan 17:* MLK Day, no classes
*Mar 1-3:* Mini-3 reading days *(currently, just Mar 1)*
*Mar 4:* No classes; Mini-3 finals
*... Spring break, etc. ...*
*TL;DR:* Move the start of Spring semester earlier by a week. The semester
would be *identical to the Spring 2020 calendar*.
*----> **Share your yes/no thoughts on this proposal here*:
https://forms.gle/U4jSCb1dEuCzJxdRA <https://forms.gle/U4jSCb1dEuCzJxdRA>
If you have questions about the proposal, please *email me* or *check the
FAQ* below.
*2) Email Provost Garrett with your thoughts on the current calendar for
I emailed the provost over a week ago to set up a meeting but have only
gotten basic acknowledgement from the provost (email chain attached
below). If the provost has a better idea of how many students are
concerned about next year's calendar, hopefully this can be given higher
Basic template:
- Mention "2021-22 Academic Calendar" or similar in the subject
- Say what you like/don't like about the calendar
- Length of the semesters?
- Length of winter break?
- Lack of mid-semester fall break?
- Include any arguments you like from what you wrote on the survey
(edit/view your response here <https://forms.gle/eUZvCSvZvFV2vB4C8>).
Again, if you have questions or even just want a quick proofread, please
email me!
Anyways, that's all for now. Good luck to those still finishing up exams,
and I hope everyone can get a sorely needed break this week!
- James
*FAQ Related to this Proposal*
- *Who will you be proposing this to?*
- The provost, Jim Garrett, who is in charge of the academic calendar
(the Calendar Innovation Committee that produced the current calendar is
within the provost's office).
- *Would this affect when Spring Break / the end of Spring Semester
- No and no. It just adds a week at the beginning of the semester. 5
more teaching days for full semester classes, 3 more for Mini-3s.
- *I really like this proposal. What should I do?*
- Fill out that form with "Yes." Then, share this with your friends;
continue to bring attention to the calendar. The longer students press,
the more likely change is to happen.
- *I really don't like this proposal. What should I do?*
- Fill out the form with "No" and please don't hesitate to email me
about your concerns. I really want to hear from any students who
this would
negatively impact.
*General FAQ*
- *Does the university recognize how bad this semester has been as a
result of breaking up Spring Break?*
- No. I have been trying to communicate the overwhelmingly negative
effect of the Provost's decision on students' health and
learning, though I
don't know how well the message has been received. Feel free to email
the Provost <provost at andrew.cmu.edu> about how this decision has
affected your experience this semester.
- *Can we move the start of Fall 2021 earlier?*
- No- summer semester was pushed back, to be up against the fall
semester. Also, a good deal of students have agreed to
internships through
the last week of Summer Break.
- *Can we move the end of Fall 2021 later?*
- Yes, but... if we add a week at the end, the semester will end very
late, which affects some employees of the university (like advisors) much
more than students, since there is a lot of work after the semester ends.
- We would also only have ~3 full weeks of break, which makes it
difficult for students who live far away from Pittsburgh to see their
family and have a sufficient break.
- The original survey has a comfortable majority of students (across
all the demographic data we collected) in favor of a 2-3 week
winter break
in exchange for 15 week semesters, but this is a much more difficult
decision to make.
- *What happened to the compressed finals week idea?*
- It's still on the table for Fall 2021. I've been waiting on a
certain employee of the university to discuss it with other employees of
the university, but I do not think that has been happening. Will keep you
all updated.
- *What classes should I take next semester?*
- Good question. I have no idea either. Registration week will be fun!
*James Gallicchio*
BS Candidate | Computer Science
Carnegie Mellon University | Class of 2023
jamesgallicchio at gmail.com
US C: +1 (856) 994-5658
LinkedIn <https://www.linkedin.com/in/james-gallicchio-7769b3174/> |
Facebook <https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100012337729125>
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