<div dir="ltr">(Apologies if you receive multiple copies of this message)<br>--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------<br>               Call for Papers<br><br>The 9th IEEE Non-Volatile Memory Systems and Applications Symposium (NVMSA 2020) <br><br>Sokcho, Korea, August 19-21, 2020<br><a href="https://nvmsa2020.github.io/">https://nvmsa2020.github.io/</a><br><br>Important Dates:<br><br>Abstract Submission: April 17, 2020 23:59  UTC+9<br>Paper Submission: April 24, 2020 23:59  UTC+9<br>Acceptance Notification: May 29, 2020<br>Camera-ready Deadline: June 26, 2020<br>Conference Date: August 19-21, 2020<br><br>Call For Papers:<br><br>NVMSA is a premier conference in the area of non-volatile memory systems and<br>emerging memory technologies. It provides a fantastic opportunity for global<br>non-volatile memory researchers from different communities to discuss and<br>exchange knowledge, ideas and insights, and to facilitate the establishment of<br>potential collaborations that can speed up the progress in the design and<br>application of NVMs. An expanded technical program will be offered in NVMSA<br>2020 for the audience from academia and industry. Papers are solicited from<br>various topics on NVMs and related areas including, but not limited to:<br><br>Device/Circuit Design of NVM Systems:<br>- Emerging NVM Circuit Design<br>- NVM Device Design<br>- Error Correction for NVMs<br>- Non-volatile Logic Circuit<br>- Low Power NVM Circuit<br><br>NVM Architecture and Systems:<br>- Non-volatile Registers<br>- Non-volatile Memory Architectures<br>- Non-volatile Cache Design<br>- NVM Neuromorphic Architectures<br>- NVDIMM<br><br>NVM Storage:<br>- Operating System Support for NVM<br>- Compiler Optimization for NVM<br>- NVM-based Storage Software<br>- NVM-based Databases<br>- NVM Controller Design<br><br>NVM Applications:<br>- In-memory Computing<br>- NVM for Big Data Analytics<br>- NVM in Mobile Healthcare Applications<br>- NVM in Wearable Applications<br>- NVM in the Internet of Things<br><br>Paper Submission:<br><br>Both research and industry track papers are solicited. All papers must be<br>submitted electronically in PDF format. The submitted manuscripts must describe<br>original work not previously published and not concurrently submitted<br>elsewhere. Submissions must be no more than 6 pages in the IEEE conference<br>proceedings format (two-column, single-space). Each paper is peer-reviewed by<br>the program committee members, and the authors are notified of either "accepted<br>for a long presentation", "accepted for a short presentation", or "reject". A<br>long presentation will be given a 30-mins slot (including Q&As) and a short<br>presentation will be given a 20-mins slot (including Q&As) at the conference.<br>Note that authors of a short presentation do not need to shorten the paper<br>itself. Accepted papers will be included in the IEEE Xplore and will be EI<br>indexed. Best papers will be fast tracked to ACM Transactions on Storage for<br>possible publication. Authors of non-accepted papers are encouraged to submit a<br>poster.<br><br>The authors should submit their papers through the submission web page at<br><a href="https://easychair.org/my/conference?conf=nvmsa2020#">https://easychair.org/my/conference?conf=nvmsa2020#</a>.<br><br>The reviews are single-blinded. The names and affiliations of the authors are<br>visible to the reviewers via EasyChair.<br><br>Call For Posters:<br><br>We solicit poster submissions of early stage work, especially from students and<br>young researchers to promote fruitful discussions with other participants and<br>speed up the research. A poster submission must describe the content of the<br>poster, such as the motivation of the work, the idea to approach the problem,<br>and preliminary results (if any). Authors of non-accepted papers are encouraged<br>to submit poster descriptions. A poster description must be 1 or 2 pages in the<br>IEEE conference proceedings format (two-column, single-space). Please note that<br>accepted poster descriptions will be included in the adjunct proceedings, but<br>will *NOT* be included in the IEEE Xplore nor EI indexed.<br><br>* Organizing Committee<br><br>[General Co-Chairs]<br>Hyunok Oh, Hanyang University, Korea<br>Jongmoo Choi, Dankook University, Korea<br><br>[TPC Co-Chairs]<br>Youngjae Kim, Sogang University, Korea<br>Guangyu Sun, Peking University, Korea<br><br>[Local Chair]<br>Sungjoo Yoo, Seoul National University, Korea<br><br>[Finance Co-Chairs]<br>Jiwon Seo, Hanyang University, Korea<br>Kyoungwoo Lee, Yonsei University, Korea<br><br>[Publicity Co-Chairs]<br>Sungjin Lee, DGIST, Korea<br>Dongchul Park, Sookmyung Women's University, Korea<br><br>[Publication Chair]<br>Youngmin Yi, University of Seoul, Korea<br><br>[Web Chair]<br>Junghee Lee, Korea University, Korea<br><br>* Program Committee<br><br>Chundong Wang, Singapore University of Technology and Design, Singapore<br>Dong Hyun Kang, Dongguk University-Gyeongju, Korea<br>Dongchul Park, Sookmyung Women's University, Korea<br>Donghyun Kang, Dongguk University, Korea<br>Dongkun Shin, Sungkyunkwan University, Korea<br>Euiseong Seo, Sungkyunkwan University, Korea<br>Feng Chen, Louisiana State University, USA<br>Gunjae Koo, Korea University, Korea<br>Hiroyuki Tomiyama, Ritsumeikan University, Japan<br>Hyokyung Bahn, Ewha University, Korea<br>Hyunok Oh, Hanyang University, Korea<br>Jalil Boukhobza, Université de Bretagne Occidentale, France<br>Jingtong Hu, University of Pittsburgh, USA<br>Jinkyu Jeong, Sungkyunkwan University, Korea<br>Lei Ju, Shandong University, China<br>Liang Shi, East China Normal University, China<br>Ming-Chang Yang The Chinese University of Hong Kong, China<br>Mingzhe Zhang, Institute of Computing Technology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, China<br>Myoungsoo Jung, KAIST, Korea<br>Patrick P. C. Lee, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, China<br>Preeti Panda, Indian Institute of Technology Delhi, India<br>Qi Liu, Institute of Microelectronics Chinese Academy of Sciences, China<br>Renhai Chen, Tianjin University, China<br>Ronald Demara, University of Central Florida, USA<br>Sam H. Noh, UNIST, Korea<br>Sang-Hoon Kim, Ajou University, Korea<br>Sejin Kwon, Kangwon University, Korea<br>Sungjin Lee, DGIST, Korea<br>Sungroh Yoon, Seoul National University, Korea<br>Sungyong Ahn, Pusan University, Korea<br>Wang Kang, Beihang University, China<br>Xueqing Li, The Pennsylvania State University, USA<br>Youjip Won, KAIST, Korea<br>Youngjin Kwon, KAIST, Korea<br>Young-ri Choi, UNIST, Korea<br>Youtao Zhang, University of Pittsburgh, USA<br>Yu Hua, Huazhong University of Science and Technology, China<br>Yuan-Hao Chang, Institute of Informaiton Science, Academia Sinica, Taiwan<br><br>* Steering Committee<br><br>[Steering Committee Chair]<br>Yiran Chen, Duke University, US<br><br>[Steering Committee Members]<br>Yuan-Hao Chang, Academia Sinica, Taiwan<br>Nikil Dutt, University of California, Irvine, US<br>Toshio Endo, Tokyo Institute of Technology, Japan<br>Tei-Wei Kuo, National Taiwan University, Taiwan<br>Hiroshi Nakamura, The University of Tokyo, Japan<br>Edwin Sha, East China Normal University, China<br>Zili Shao, Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Hong Kong<br>Jiwu Shu, Tsinghua University, China<br>Lionel Torres, University of Montpellier 2, France<br>Youjip Won, Korea Advanced Institute of Science & Technology, Korea<br>Chun (Jason) Xue, City University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong<br>Sungjoo Yoo, Seoul National University, Korea<br>Sam H. Noh, UNIST, Korea<br></div>