================================================================= 9th International Women in HPC workshop at SC'18 Sunday November 11th 2018 — Dallas, TX, USA Call for lightning talks Deadline: August 15th, 2018 https://womeninhpc.org/whpc-sc18/ ================================================================= Women in HPC will once again attend the Supercomputing conference to discuss diversity and inclusivity topics. Activities will bring together women from across the international HPC community, provide opportunities to network, showcase the work of inspiring women, and discuss how we can all work towards improving the under-representation of women in supercomputing. The 9th International Women in High Performance Computing (WHPC) workshop at SC18 in Dallas brings together the HPC community to discuss the growing importance of increasing diversity in the workplace. This workshop will recognize and discuss the challenges of improving the proportion of women in the HPC community, and is relevant for employers and employees throughout the supercomputing workforce who are interested in addressing diversity. Sessions include: - How to build workplace resilience and maintain well-being, while managing work stress. - Being part of the solution: instructions for advocates and allies. - Best practices from organizations on improving workplace diversity. - Managing the two body problem and achieving effective work-life balance. Call for virtual posters/lightning talks: Now Open! Deadline for submissions: August 15th 2018 AOE As part of the workshop, we invite submissions from women in industry and academia to present their work as a virtual poster. This will promote the engagement of women in HPC research and applications, provide opportunities for peer to peer networking, and the opportunity to interact with female role models and employers. Submissions are invited on all topics relating to HPC from users and developers. All abstracts should emphasize the computational aspects of the work, such as the facilities used, the challenges that HPC can help address and any remaining challenges etc. For full details please see: https://womeninhpc.org/whpc-sc18/ Workshop Committee - Workshop Chair: Misbah Mubarak, Argonne National Laboratory, USA - Co-chair: Elsa Gonsiorowski, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, USA - General Chair: Toni Collis, Appentra S.L., Spain - Poster and Lightning Talk Chair: Weronika Filinger, EPCC, University of Edinburgh, UK - Posters & Lightning Talk Vice Chair: Jessica Popp, Independent Contractor, USA - Mentoring Chair: Gokcen Kestor, Oak Ridge National Laboratory, USA - Mentoring co-chair: Mozhgan Kabiri Chimeh, University of Sheffield, UK Steering and Organisation Committee - Sunita Chandrasekaran, University of Delaware, USA - Trish Damkroger, Intel, USA - Kelly Gaither, TACC, USA - Rebecca Hartman-Baker, NERSC, USA - Daniel Holmes, EPCC, UK - Adrian Jackson, EPCC, UK - Alison Kennedy, Hartree Centre, STFC, UK - Lorna Rivera, CEISMC, Georgia Institute of Technology, USA Programme Committee (for early career posters) - Mariam Umar, Intel, USA - Dana Akhmetova, KTH, Sweden - Ritu Aurora, Univ. of Texas, USA - Jesmin Jahan Tithi, Parallel Computing Lab, Intel Corporation, USA - Lavanya Ramakrishnan, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, USA - Lois Curfman McInnes, Argonne National Laboratory, USA - Karen D Devine, Sandia National Laboratory, USA - Gokcen Kestor, Oak Ridge National Laboratory, USA