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<font face='Lucida Grande'><b>*** First Call for Papers ***<br><br>The 7th International Conference for Entrepreneurship, Innovation and<br>Regional Development (ICEIRD 2014)<br><br>5-6 June 2014, Hilton Hotel | Nicosia, Cyprus<br><br><a href="https://iceird2014.cs.ucy.ac.cy">https://iceird2014.cs.ucy.ac.cy</a><br><br>DEADLINES:<br>Abstract submission, January 20, 2014<br>Full paper submission, March 1, 2014<br><br>Conference Theme: Igniting Regional Economies - Knowledge, Innovation and Entrepreneurship in South East Europe<br></b><br><br>In the face of fragile economic recovery following the economic and<br>financial crisis of 2008, many firms all around the world continue to<br>invest in growth-enhancing activities to achieve a sustainable<br>development. While the crisis has heavily hit all aspects of business<br>vested interests, investments in innovation, entrepreneurship and<br>regional partnership have been the key priority to ensuring a strong<br>and stable economic growth.<br><br>The objective of the conference is to gather decision makers<br>(government, ministries and state agencies), innovation experts<br>(universities, research and development centres, technology transfer<br>centres, start-up centres) and practitioners (smes, business<br>incubators and business support organisations) to generate discussion<br>and exchange on the potential of entrepreneurship promotion and<br>innovation to national and regional competitiveness.<br><br><br>CONFERENCE TOPICS OF INTEREST<br><br>Creativity, Complexity and Competitiveness Issues for Small and Medium<br>Enterprises (SMEs) in SEE vs. other regions (EU and other)<br><br>* Leveraging e-skills for innovation in the knowledge society<br>* Managing and Leveraging Complexity, Creativity and Innovation in SMEs<br>* Trust, Respect, Culture and Collaboration Issues for SMEs in SEE vs.<br> other regions (EU and other)<br>* Leadership and Management practices that can be applied to SMEs<br>* SME Knowledge management and technology transfer<br>* SME Business process modeling<br>* New Technology Ventures Financing<br>* Business incubation management and leadership<br>* Human Resources Practices for promoting innovation for SMEs<br><br><br>South East European Entrepreneurial Innovation Clusters<br><br>* SMEs' Entrepreneurship as an Innovation Driver<br>* Opportunities and barriers for closer cooperation between South East<br> European SMEs in Innovation & Entrepreneurship:<br><br><br>Strategic Integration vs. Flexibility and SME Competitiveness<br><br>* Innovation Clusters, Technology Transfer and Social Entrepreneurship<br>* Social Networking as Driver of EICs formation<br>* Science & Technology Parks and EICs<br>* Young and Women Entrepreneurs development via EICs<br>* Benchmarking of Entrepreneurship and Innovation Best Practices in the<br> region<br>* Innovation policy in SMEs<br><br><br>Technology Innovation, Transfer and Commercialization across<br>Governement, University, Industry domains<br><br>* The role of the State and Public Policy with regards to SME Innovation<br> and Entrepreneurship<br>* Governmental and regional policies on entrepreneurship and innovation<br>* Entrepreneurial Universities and Entrepreneurial Innovation Clusters<br>* Entrepreneurship education<br>* University - Industry collaboration<br>* ICT and SME Regional competitiveness<br>* SMEs and the role of the Innovation Zone (business centers and<br> incubators)<br>* Intangibles Valuation and Intellectual Property Rights<br>* Innovative Supply Chain Management practices in SEE<br>* Innovative Supply Chains<br>* Information Technology proliferation in SEE SMEs<br><br><br>ICEIRD 2014 invites submissions of papers related to all the topics of<br>interest of the conference. Papers that address collaborations between<br>industry and academia, case studies as well as experience reports on<br>any of the conference themes are welcome. For more information on the<br>conference topics, visit the ICEIRD 2014 webpage<br>(<a href="https://iceird2014.cs.ucy.ac.cy).">https://iceird2014.cs.ucy.ac.cy).</a><br><br><br>SUBMISSIONS<br><br>*Abstract submission<br><br>Authors are first requested to submit an about 100 words long abstract<br>by January 20, 2014. Upon acceptance of the abstract by January 31, 2014<br>the authors should proceed to submit a full paper as per the instructions<br>below.<br><br><br>* Full Papers (for review)<br><br>Authors are requested to submit a full paper of 6-10 pages in either<br>Microsoft Word or Adobe PDF format using the template found on the<br>ICEIRD 2014 webpage (<a href="https://iceird2014.cs.ucy.ac.cy).">https://iceird2014.cs.ucy.ac.cy).</a> The template has<br>all the styles required for formatting the text. The easiest way to<br>prepare the camera ready is to download the template, delete all<br>exixting text, add your unformatted text and use the styles (top-left<br>drop down menu) to format it. Only papers in this format will be<br>published. Submitted papers, which will go under blind review by at<br>least two referees, must be submitted electronically through the<br>EasyChair Conference System:<br><a href="https://www.easychair.org/conferences/?conf=iceird2014.">https://www.easychair.org/conferences/?conf=iceird2014.</a><br><br><br>* Camera Ready Papers (after acceptance)<br><br>Following acceptance, authors are requested to sumbit a camera-ready<br>paper using the template found on the website<br>(<a href="https://iceird2014.cs.ucy.ac.cy)">https://iceird2014.cs.ucy.ac.cy)</a> to the secretariat of ICEIRD2014 by<br>email (iceird2014@seerc.org) in both Microsoft Word or PDF format.<br><br><br>* Guidelines for Presentations<br><br>Each presentation will last 20 minutes (15 + 5 minutes for questions).<br>All rooms are fully equiped. Presenters will be requested to upload<br>their presentation at least 15 minutes before the start of their<br>session. Presenters could also use their own laptop. Techinal support<br>will be provided.<br><br><br>* Proceedings<br><br>The Conference Proceedings, including all papers presented, will be<br>published as a SEERC book edited by the Conference Chairs.<br><br><br>* Post-Conference Special Journal Issues<br><br>Selected high quality papers from the conference will be recommended<br>for publication in the special issues of international journals. For<br>more information please visit the ICEIRD 2014 webpage<br>(<a href="https://iceird2014.cs.ucy.ac.cy)">https://iceird2014.cs.ucy.ac.cy)</a><br><br><br>The official language of the conference is English.<br><br>Publication is dependent on at least one author registering to attend<br>ICEIRD 2014.<br><br>Submissions should be submitted to the easychair account on or before<br>the deadline: <a href="https://www.easychair.org/conferences/?conf=iceird2014">https://www.easychair.org/conferences/?conf=iceird2014</a><br><br><br>IMPORTANT DATES<br><br>Abstract submission (mandatory): 20th January 2014<br>Notification of abstract submission: 31st January 2014<br>Full paper submission: 1st of March 2014<br>Notification of paper acceptance: 15th of March 2014<br>Earlybird registration: 31th of March 2014<br>Camera ready paper submission: 31th of March 2014<br><br><br>CONFERENCE CHAIRS<br><br>Prof. George A. Papadopoulos, University of Cyprus, Cyprus - General<br>Chair<br><br>Prof. Panos H. Ketikidis, CITY College - International Faculty of the<br>University of Sheffield, Greece - Co-Chair<br><br>Stavriana A. Kofteros, Special Entrepreneurship & RDI Adviser,<br>Democratic Rally (DISY), Cyprus - Co-Chair<br></font>
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