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<font face='Geneva'>*** Second Call for Papers ***<br><br>17th International Conference on Business Information Systems<br>BIS 2014<br><br>Golden Bay Hotel, Larnaca, Cyprus<br>May 21-23, 2014<br><br><a href="http://bis.kie.ue.poznan.pl/17th_bis/">http://bis.kie.ue.poznan.pl/17th_bis/</a><br><br>Deadline for submissions: December 20, 2013<br><br>(Proceedings will be published in Springer's LNBIP series)<br><br><br>THEME OF THE CONFERENCE<br><br>Big Data: problems solved and remaining challenges<br><br>The amount of data available for analysis, especially economy-related data,<br>is increasing rapidly. According to MGI and McKinsey's Business Technology<br>Group, Big Data is becoming a key basis of competition, important factor of<br>productivity growth, innovation, consumer surplus as well as organizational<br>effectiveness. Currently, Big Data is one of the hottest trends in the areas<br>like recommendation engines, network monitoring, sentiment analysis, fraud<br>detection, risk modeling, marketing campaign analysis, and social graph<br>analysis. However, there is a need to remodel technologies, applications,<br>infrastructure, and business processes in order to take full advantage of the<br>possibilities offered by Big Data.<br><br>It is our pleasure to invite you to submit your work to BIS 2014 conference.<br>The BIS conference is a well-respected event joining international researchers<br>to discuss the wide range of the development, implementation, application<br>and improvement of business applications and systems. It is addressed to the<br>scientific community, people involved in the development of business<br>computer applications, consultants helping to properly implement computer<br>technology and applications in the industry.<br><br><br>TOPICS OF THE CONFERENCE<br><br>Topics are restricted by the theme of the conference as defined above<br>and they include:<br><br>Ontologies<br> * creation, learning, population, evolution and evaluation of ontologies<br> * ontologies for enterprise content management<br> * natural language processing and cognitive science<br> * semantic integration of heterogeneous semi-structured information sources<br> * interoperability of heterogeneous information systems<br> * business models for Web information integration and aggregation<br> * linked open data<br><br>Contexts<br> * location-aware and geography-centric information systems<br> * wireless and mobile applications<br> * multi-agent distributed systems<br> * semantic web personalization<br> * smart cities<br> * ambient computing<br> * RFID and localisation techniques<br><br>Content retrieval and filtering<br> * search over semi-structural Web sources<br> * Deep Web search and crawling<br> * data integration from Web information sources<br> * modeling and describing evolving data sources<br> * information gathering support for knowledge-intensive enterprises<br> * business models for a content<br> * unified data processing and communication systems<br> * automatic identification and data collector systems<br><br>Collaboration<br> * knowledge-based collaboration<br> * social networks and social wikis<br> * enterprise mashups, Enterprise 2.0<br> * security in distributed systems<br> * Web-based model for discoverability, consumption, and reuse<br> * social networks for healthcare<br><br>Services science<br> * service oriented computing<br> * semantic web services<br> * composition, choreography and orchestration<br> * trust and quality of service (QoS)<br> * service level agreements<br> * distributed computing for the smart grid<br><br>Interoperability<br> * digital ecosystem<br> * e-infrastructure<br> * cloud computing<br><br>Business process management<br> * semantic business process management<br> * adaptive and dynamic processes<br> * supply chain processes<br> * ERP implementations<br> * integration of data and processes<br> * collaborative BPM<br><br>Applications<br> * policy modelling and simulation for e-governance<br> * technologies for digital culture and cultural heritage<br> * digital libraries and web archiving<br> * access to cultural resources<br> * technologies for a low carbon economy<br> * safety and healthcare record information reuse<br> * early warning systems and mobile monitoring<br> * intelligent medical systems<br> * business models for Future Internet<br><br><br>SUBMISSION<br><br>The BIS 2014 proceedings will be published as a volume in Lecture Notes in<br>Business Information Processing (LNBIP) series by Springer Verlag.<br><a href="http://www.springer.com/computer?SGWID=0-146-6-450209-0">http://www.springer.com/computer?SGWID=0-146-6-450209-0</a><br><br>Information for LNBIP authors may be found at:<br><a href="http://www.springer.com/computer/lncs?SGWID=0-164-6-791344-0">http://www.springer.com/computer/lncs?SGWID=0-164-6-791344-0</a><br><br>Submission: <a href="http://bis.kie.ue.poznan.pl/17th_bis/submission.php">http://bis.kie.ue.poznan.pl/17th_bis/submission.php</a><br><br>* Language of publication: English <br><br>* Paper should not exceed 12 LNBIP pages (including abstract and references) <br><br>* Please include a 100-word abstract at the beginning of the paper,<br> which clearly presents the achievement or contribution of the paper<br><br>* Please include 4-7 keywords best describing your paper <br><br>* We understand that you submit your original work that has not been<br> published or submitted elsewhere, and that you agree to publish your<br> work when it is accepted by the Program Committee; you will be required<br> to send a signed copyright form as required by Springer at a later stage <br><br>* At least one author should register for the conference and present the<br> paper; only registered authors' papers will be included in the proceedings <br><br>* The authors will prepare the final manuscript in time for its inclusion in<br> conference proceedings<br><br><br>IMPORTANT DATES<br><br>Dec 20, 2013: Submission deadline for papers <br>Feb 19, 2014: Nnotification of acceptance/rejection <br>Mar 05, 2014: Submission of final papers <br>May 21-23, 2014: The conference<br><br><br>ORGANIZERS<br><br>Poznan University of Economics, Department of Information Systems<br>University of Cyprus, Department of Computer Science<br><br>Poznan University of Economics<br>Dept. of Information Systems<br>Al. Niepodleglosci 10<br>61-875 Poznan, POLAND<br>Phone: +48(61)854-3381 Fax: +48(61)854-3633<br>bis[at]kie[dot]ue[dot]poznan[dot]pl<br><a href="http://bis.kie.ue.poznan.pl">http://bis.kie.ue.poznan.pl</a><br><br>University of Cyprus<br>Department of Computer Science <br>1 University Avenue, Aglantzia<br>CY-2109, Nicosia, Cyprus <br>Tel: +357-22892693, Fax: +357-22892701 <br><br></font>
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