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<font face='Monaco'>*** 2nd Call for Demonstrations and Posters for Exhibition ***<br><br>EC-TEL 2013: Eighth European Conference on Technology Enhanced Learning<br><br>"Scaling Up Learning for Sustained Impact"<br><br>17-21 September 2013, Paphos, Cyprus<br><br><a href="http://ec-tel.eu/">http://ec-tel.eu/</a></font><font face='Geneva'><br><br><br>The European Conference on Technology Enhanced Learning (EC-TEL) is a<br>unique opportunity for researchers, practitioners, and policy makers to<br>address current challenges and advances in the field. Through EC-TEL, <br>established and emerging researchers as well as practitioners, entrepreneurs,<br>and technology developers explore new collaborations, strengthen networks,<br>and compliment their core experience.<br><br>There is no doubt that Technology Enhanced Learning (TEL) has created<br>enormous changes in schools, universities and at the workplaces. However,<br>these innovations have tended to be unsustainable. Too often, initiatives<br>need a high degree of effort to be sustained, and are consequently<br>endangered when funding stops. At the same time, mobile and social<br>information and communication technologies are fundamentally changing<br>our lives. Nowadays we use them naturally to keep in contact with our<br>friends, to seek information, to buy things and to work. In many domains,<br>these emerging technologies demonstrate that scaling is possible. But few<br>educational institutions or companies have taken these technologies up in a <br>systematic way to include them into their learning strategy.<br><br>To address these challenges the theme of EC-TEL 2013 is "Scaling up<br>learning for sustained impact".<br><br>In this spirit, we want to offer you a chance to present existing prototypes<br>and work in progress to ECTEL community to create sustained impact, <br>dissemination and create potentials for scaling up the use to a wider audience. <br>Extended demonstrations of prototypes and "TEL in action" will spark <br>discussions between different but complimentary groups, and be animated and <br>disseminated through live internet radio broadcasts, videos, etc. EC-TEL 2013 <br>will examine and improve the transitions between research, practice and <br>industry.<br><br>In this special call we invite contributions for demonstrations and posters<br>that can be exhibited and discussed along the conference. Details of<br>conference topics are available at <a href="http://ec-tel.eu/,">http://ec-tel.eu/,</a> and in this second call <br>especially we encourage highly visual and engaging demos, such as Serious <br>Games, Virtual Worlds, Immersive Multimedia, and Collaborative Learning <br>Systems.<br><br>Posters report on significant work in progress. We will have an interactive <br>poster session in which you can present your work and elicit feedback<br>from EC-TEL participants.<br><br>A demonstration is your chance to fully engage EC-TEL attendees at a<br>personal level by letting them see, touch, squeeze, or hear your visions<br>for the future of TEL, or demonstrate highly interactive "TEL in Action"<br>(e.g. through videos or real-time learning experiences).<br><br>We expect that your Demonstration will be a reliably running prototype<br>of your vision that is ready to be tried out, questioned and interacted<br>with. You need to submit a concise description of your prototype,<br>clearly showing how your technological innovation realises a clear learning <br>innovation. Please also indicate any special technical requirements needed<br>for the demonstration at the conference location.<br><br>At the conference, all accepted demonstrations will be invited to participate<br>in the "EC-TEL 2013 Demo sprint contest". The audience of the<br>"EC-TEL 2013 Demo sprint contest" will vote for the best EC-TEL <br>demonstration in this session and the winner will be awarded with a prize<br>from Online Educa Berlin Conference (see below).<br><br><br>FIRST PRIZE<br><br>The first prize for the demo sprint contest is sponsored by ONLINE EDUCA <br>BERLIN 2013 and consists of:<br><br>- A free conference pass to attend ONLINE EDUCA BERLIN 2013<br><br>- The opportunity to present the demo as a speaker in the Talking<br> Heads Sessions at OEB 2013<br><br>- A newsletter-story on the winner<br><br><br>IMPORTANT DATES<br><br>Round 2 poster & demonstration submission: July 5th 2013<br>Round 2 poster & demonstration notification: July 12th 2013<br>Optional 2-minute video of demonstration: Mid August 2013<br>[exact date will be published soon]<br><br><br>SUBMISSION FORMATS<br><br>Submissions of 1 page descriptions of demos and posters will be<br>handled through EasyChair<br>(<a href="https://www.easychair.org/conferences/?conf=demosectel2013).">https://www.easychair.org/conferences/?conf=demosectel2013).</a><br>The posters and demonstrations accepted in this second special call<br>will not be published in the proceedings but will be exhibited during<br>the whole conference and be present at the ECTEL website. Demonstrations <br>accepted in this call will also participate in the "EC-TEL 2013 Demo sprint <br>contest" and are eligible to win the first prize.<br><br><br>CONTACTS<br><br>Andreas Harrer (andreas.harrer at ku.de),<br>Poster and Demonstration Chair<br><br>Davinia Hern·ndez-Leo (davinia.hernandez at upf.edu),<br>Programme Chair</font>
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