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<font face='Monaco'>*** Last Call for Doctoral Consortium Submissions ***<br><br>EC-TEL 2013: Eighth European Conference on Technology Enhanced Learning<br><br>"Scaling Up Learning for Sustained Impact"<br><br>17-21 September 2013, Paphos, Cyprus<br><br><a href="http://ec-tel.eu/">http://ec-tel.eu/</a><br><br><br>The EC-TEL Doctoral Consortium brings together Ph.D. students working on topics<br>related to Technology Enhanced Learning. The doctoral consortium will offer<br>Ph.D. students the opportunity to present, discuss, and receive feedback on<br>their research in an interdisciplinary and international atmosphere. Prominent<br>professors and researchers in the field of Technology Enhanced Learning will<br>provide feedback to the selected papers and participate actively and contribute<br>to the discussions. The Doctoral Consortium will take place immediately before<br>the EC-TEL 2013 conference.<br><br>The intention of this doctoral consortium is to support and inspire Ph.D.<br>students during their ongoing research efforts. Therefore, it is necessary that<br>authors will have neither achieved their Ph.D. degree nor officially submitted<br>their thesis before the doctoral consortium (September 2013). To enforce this<br>rule we require authors to disclose their expected graduation date and their<br>advisor's name when submitting.<br><br><br>DOCTORAL CONSORTIUM ELIGIBILITY AND APPLICATION PROCESS<br><br>In contrast to regular conference papers, submissions should address<br>specifically doctoral work. Therefore, the following elements have to be<br>addressed in the papers:<br><br>* A clear formulation of the research question.<br>* An identification of the significant problems in the field of research.<br>* An outline of the current knowledge of the problem domain, as well as<br> the state of existing solutions.<br>* A presentation of any preliminary ideas, the proposed approach and the<br> results achieved so far.<br>* A sketch of the applied research methodology.<br>* A description of the Ph.D. project's contribution to the problem solution.<br>* A discussion of how the suggested solution is different, new, or better<br> as compared to existing approaches to the problem.<br><br>Accepted students should prepare:<br><br>1. An introduction of themselves and their Ph.D. project for the introductory<br> session. Duration: 60 sec max.<br>2. A 15-20 minute presentation of their Ph.D. project to be used for introducing<br> discussion about their project and its main issues during the small group sessions.<br>3. Students are also invited to prepare a poster about their Ph.D. for the EC-TEL 2013<br> poster session.<br><br>Submissions should be uploaded to: <a href="https://www.easychair.org/conferences/?conf=dcectel13">https://www.easychair.org/conferences/?conf=dcectel13</a><br><br>The maximum length of DC submissions should not exceed 6 pages.<br><br>All submissions will be reviewed after acceptance by at least two senior researchers<br>and one of the accepted doctoral candidates. Additionally, two discussants, members<br>of the doctoral consortium committee, will be appointed to each paper. Discussant<br>comments will be followed by a plenary discussion of the paper. At the end of the<br>consortium there will be a general discussion, including a brainstorming session<br>about current and future research topics in the area.<br><br><br>IMPORTANT DATES<br><br>Doctoral Consortium application submission: May 31, 2013<br>Doctoral Consortium application notification: June 27, 2013<br>Doctoral Consortium reviews: July 31, 2013<br>Doctoral Consortium camera-ready versions: September 4, 2013<br>Doctoral Consortium: September 17, 2013<br><br><br>CONFERENCE ORGANISATION<br><br>General Chair: <br> Ralf Klamma, RWTH Aachen University, Germany<br><br>Program Chairs:<br> Davinia Hernández-Leo, Universitat Pompeu Fabra, Barcelona, Spain<br> Tobias Ley, Tallinn University, Estonia<br><br>Industry Chair: <br> Lucia Pannese, Imaginary, Italy<br><br>Workshop Chair:<br> Anoush Margaryan, Glasgow Caledonian University, UK<br><br>Poster and Demonstration Chair:<br> Andreas Harrer, Catholic University Eichstätt-Ingolstadt, Germay<br><br>Doctoral Consortium Chairs:<br> Katherine Maillet, Télécom SudParis, France<br> Tomaz<caron> Klobuc<caron>ar, Jozef Stefan Institute, Slovenia<br><br>Dissemination Chair:<br> Michael Derntl, RWTH Aachen University, Germany<br><br>Local Organization Chair:<br> George Angelos Papadopoulos, University of Cyprus<br><br><br><br>Find all details at <a href="http://ec-tel.eu/">http://ec-tel.eu/</a><br><br>Follow us on twitter: <a href="https://twitter.com/ectel2013">https://twitter.com/ectel2013</a></font>
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