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<font face='Geneva' size='4'><div align="center">PROFES 2013 - 14th International Conference on Product-Focused Software Development and Process Improvement <br><br>12-14 June, Azia Resort and Spa, Paphos Cyprus <br><br>*** Last Call for Short Papers & Posters ***<br><br><a href="http://profes2013.cs.ucy.ac.cy">http://profes2013.cs.ucy.ac.cy</a> <br></div><br><br>PROFES 13 invites submissions of Short papers and Posters related to all the topics of interest of the <br>conference. Papers that address collaborations between industry and academia, case studies as well as <br>experience reports on any of the conference themes are welcome. <br>For more information on the conference topics, visit the PROFES 2013 webpage <br>(<a href="http://profes2013.cs.ucy.ac.cy).">http://profes2013.cs.ucy.ac.cy).</a> <br><br>Short papers should promote current work, research, practices, experiences, and issues that are not at a <br>mature stage to be submitted as full papers. As so, they represent a good way for fast tracking new technical <br>work in progress. Short papers will be presented in a special session and will be published in the conference <br>proceedings. <br><br>Posters should visually express an idea, and experience or research results in an appealing form. Work <br>presented in a poster does not have to be fully developed, as so it represents a manner for receiving feedback <br>on new ideas. Furthermore, an interesting poster will encourage interaction among conference participants, <br>favor discussion, and possibly promote future collaborations. Posters will be displayed at the conference. <br><br><br>Submissions <br><br>Short papers must not be more than 4 pages and poster proposals not more than 2 pages. Each submission <br>will be peer-reviewed by the short paper and poster committee. <br>All submitted short papers must conform to the Springer LNCS author guidelines found at: <br><a href="http://www.springer.com/computer/lncs?SGWID=">http://www.springer.com/computer/lncs?SGWID=</a> <br><br><br>Publication is dependent on at least one author registering to attend PROFES 2013. <br><br>Submissions should be submitted to the easychair <br>account on or before the deadline <br><a href="https://www.easychair.org/conferences/?conf=profes2013">https://www.easychair.org/conferences/?conf=profes2013</a> <br><br><br>Important Dates (Firm)<br><br>Short papers and Posters Submission deadline: April 13, 2013 <br>Notification of Acceptance: April 24, 2013 <br>Camera Ready: May 1, 2013 <br><br><br>Short Papers and Posters chair<br><br>Maria Teresa Baldassarre, University of Bari, Italy, baldassarre@di.uniba.it <br></font>
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