[Apologies if you receive multiple copies of this message]<br><br> ==============================<div>=======================================<br> The Second International Workshop on<br> Energy Consumption and Reliability of Storage Systems<br>
(<span style="background-image:initial;background-color:rgb(255,255,204)">ERSS</span> 2012)<br><br> Held in conjunction with the<br> International Green Computing Conference - IGCC 2012<br>
June 5, 2012, San Jose, California, USA<br><br> <a href="http://research.cs.vt.edu/dssl/wer/" style="color:rgb(17,85,204)" target="_blank">http://research.cs.vt.edu/dssl/wer/</a><br> =====================================================================<br>
<br>IMPORTANT DATES<br>-----------------------------<div> * Submission deadline: <u><b>April 15, 2012, 11:59 PDT</b></u> <u><b>(extended)</b></u><br> * Author Notification: April 23, 2012<br> * Camera-ready deadline: May 7, 2012</div>
<br> CALL FOR PAPERS<br> -------------------------------<br> Large-scale computing infrastructures make unprecedented demands on<br> information storage capacity, performance, energy consumption,<br> reliability, and manageability. The increasing use of computers for<br>
saving valuable data imposes stringent energy consumption and<br> reliability constraints on storage systems. As the disk capacity<br> improves, advanced techniques are being employed to proactively conserve<br> energy while improving the reliability of the storage systems.<br>
<br> To this end, the Workshop on Energy Consumption and Reliability of<br> Storage Systems is being organized to bring together researchers and<br> practitioners to explore the challenges, opportunities, and approaches<br>
of energy-aware and reliable storage systems. This workshop focuses on<br> the data storage problems and emerging solutions found in large-scale<br> scientific and enterprise computing environments, with special attention<br>
to the issues concerning energy consumption and reliability of the<br> storage systems.<br><br> SUBMISSIONS<br> -------------------------------<br> We solicit papers on all aspects of energy efficient and reliable<br> storage systems. The topics include (but are not limited to):<br>
<br> * Cloud storage system.<br> * Cluster and data center storage system.<br> * Energy efficient storage system.<br> * Reliable storage system.<br> * Algorithms for energy and reliability-aware storage.<br> * Models for collective optimization of energy and reliability.<br>
* Monitoring tools for energy and/or reliability-aware storage.<br> * Experiences with real storage systems concerning energy and reliability.<br> * Reliability and energy efficiency in mobile storage systems.<br> * Factors affecting energy and/or reliability.<br>
<br> The workshop invites authors to submit papers describing original,<br> unpublished, work in all areas of energy consumption and reliability<br> storage systems that is not concurrently under review elsewhere. All<br>
submissions will be reviewed by the Program Committee.<br><br> The papers should not exceed five single-spaced pages (IEEE Computer<br> Society Proceedings Manuscripts style: two columns, 11-point fonts, IEEE<br> 8.5 x 11 inch) including everything, e.g., abstract, research<br>
description, figures, tables, and references.<br><br> Each paper will be refereed by independent reviewers. Submission is a<br> definite commitment for at least one of the authors to register to<br> attend IGCC (workshops are included) and present the paper if it is<br>
accepted.<br><br> The workshop proceedings will be published by the IEEE Computer Society<br> along with the IGCC conference proceedings.<br><br> WORKSHOP CHAIRS<br> -------------------------------<br> Xenia Mountrouidou, Jacksonville University<br>
Ali R. Butt, Virginia Tech<br> Chris Gniady, University of Arizona<br><br> PROGRAM COMMITTEE<br> -------------------------------<br>Jichuan Chang, HP Labs<br>Canturk Isci, IBM TJ Watson<br>Yung-Hsiang Lu, Purdue University<br>
Prasenjit Sarkar, IBM Almaden Research<br>Peter J. Varman, Rice U.<br>Tao Xie, San Diego State U.<br>Yifeng Zhu, U. Maine<br>Mustafa Uysal, Vmware<br>Dean Hildebrand, IBM Almaden Research<br>Nitin Agrawal, NEC Labs<br>Wes Felter, IBM Austin Research<br>
Sriram Sankar, Microsoft<br><br> STEERING COMMITTEE<br> -------------------------------<br>Sudhanva Gurumurthi, U. Virginia<br>Jun Wang, U. Central Florida<br>Hari Cadambi, NEC Labs<br>Anand Sivasubramaniam, Penn State<br>
Canturk Isci, IBM TJ Watson<br><br> WEBSITE<br> -------------------------------<br><a href="http://research.cs.vt.edu/dssl/wer/" style="color:rgb(17,85,204)" target="_blank">http://research.cs.vt.edu/dssl/wer/</a><br><br>
CONTACT<br> -------------------------------<br> If you have any questions, please contact us:<br><br><br>Xenia Mountrouidou xmountr at <a href="http://ju.edu/" style="color:rgb(17,85,204)" target="_blank">ju.edu</a>, or<br>
Ali R. Butt butta at <a href="http://cs.vt.edu/" style="color:rgb(17,85,204)" target="_blank">cs.vt.edu</a>, or<br> Chris Gniady gniady at <a href="http://cs.arizona.edu/" style="color:rgb(17,85,204)" target="_blank">cs.arizona.edu</a></div>
<div><br></div>-- <br><div>Best regards,<br><br>Xenia Mountrouidou<br>Visiting Assistant Professor<br>Jacksonville University,<br>Department of Computing Sciences </div>
<div><a href="http://www.xeniamountrouidou.net/" target="_blank">http://www.xeniamountrouidou.net/</a></div><br>