Del del at babel.com.au
Mon Feb 14 19:42:57 EST 2011

Marianne Perdomo wrote:
> Hello!
> Thanks for sharing! :)
> Hay anyone actually worked on these masnuscripts? Is there anything online
> about it? Living in the Canary Islands I have particular interest in
> Canarios :)

Technically it's not a manuscript, it's a book.  Printed, not hand-written.

Yes, I have written some articles and taught a few classes based on this.

The original (least-recent!) of these is here:


Alas I haven't gotten around to webbing up the expansions and corrections that I've made over 
the years to that, that's a later project.  I will point out (something I explain in class) 
that I have deliberately reconstructed Lupi's first canario passeggio deliberately vaguely here 
because we have no idea what a "Triglio" is nor do we know how to do a "Coruetto" (or 
Corvetto/Corbetto) on two legs.  It only appears to be explained in equestrian manuals of the 
time, therefore we have a rough idea of how to do it on 4 legs.

There's nothing in the sources linking these dances to the Canary Islands.  There are a few 
theories, including:

* The dance "Canary" was called that because it looked a bit like the hopping dances done by 
the natives of the Canary Islands.  The Islands were named after a dog (because the islanders 
worshipped dogs, or a dog-headed Egyptian god), or possibly a seal that looked like a dog (the 
latter explanation is accepted by wikipedia).

* The dance "Canary" was named because it looks like a canary (the bird) hopping on its perch. 
  The Islands were named after a dog or seal, unrelated to the naming of the dance.

As both the natives of the islands and their language are extinct, there's no reliable data to 
back any of that up.


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