There is new Baronial News at the Stórfréttir!<br /><br />Selection Committee for the Baronial Election and Open Nominations<br />Posted by: Muirgheal Inghean Dubhghaill<br /><br />
The Selection Committee for the Baronial Election will be as follows: Baron Brandubh O'Donnghaile and Baron Hilderun Hugelmann, Baorness Muirgheal inghean Dubhghaill, Sir Guillaume le Noir du Bordeaux, Ishiyama Shonagon Gentarou Yori'ie, Lady Forveleth Dunde. With Alternates for the committee as ThLady Silence de Cherbourg and Lord Reinhard Regenbogen, should another member of the committee need to recuse themselves from service.The Committee will be Chaired by Baron Brandubh O'Donnghaile and Baron Hilderun Hugelmann.The Chair will now accept nominations for the Office of the Baronage. You may make nominations either in writing or by voice at the nominating meeting. Written nominations must be received by the Chair at or before the nomination meeting.The Nominating Meeting will be November 13, 2022 at the Rose Barn in North Park with the Harvest Revel Social Meeting.You can reach Their Excellencies at and Baroness@debatablelands.orgThe Policies are housed here for our review; Service,Muirgheal, Seneschal Debatablelands
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