There is new Baronial News at the Stórfréttir!<br /><br />Harvest Revel Social Meeting! Sunday November 13, 2022<br />Posted by: Muirgheal Inghean Dubhghaill<br /><br />
Greetings Noble Populace, The Debatablelands will host our traditional Harvest Revel Social meeting on Sunday November 13, 2022 from 10 am until 8 pm est at the Rose Barn in North Park (40.605182, -80.005492 Pearce Mill Road across from Boathouse).Bring your handwork and a picnic lunch and spend some time with the Barony-Marche. Activities of the day will include Nominations for the next wearer or wearers of the Comet Coronets!Fencing and Rattan Practices, I Genesii, the greatest comedia del'arte trope in the Known Worlde, will entertain and astound the populace with interactive improvisational games; The Moniers Guild will hold a round table to discuss the possibility of Our Very Own Baronial Coin Project; The Debatablelands Brewing Guild meeting, and more!Bring your favorite written recipe and share it with the Debatablelands! There will be an online vote 2 weeks after the event were the noble populace will be able to vote for their favorite new flavors & the top three chosen will be submitted to the Ælthing for publication!Categories include:Medieval - Harvest FavoriteModern - Fall FavoriteFavorite "Apple""Pumpkin Spice"Keep your eyes here for additional information!
In Accordance with Æthelmearc Covid Policy, all attendees over the age of 2 must be masked when indoors when in Substantial or High Transmission locations according to the CDC Community Transmission Map.In Service,Muirgheal
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