There is new Baronial News at the Stórfréttir!<br /><br />Return of the Stellar Tournaments!!<br />Posted by: Hilderun Hugelman<br /><br />
Salve Accolens! Hello Debatable Lands!
After a winter rest, and with the return of the warm weather our (mostly) monthly Stellar Tournaments are returning!!
These monthly Tournaments are the perfect time to practice for our Kingdom's biggest Champions events - Crown Tournament, Queen's Rapier Tournament, and the Kingdom Archery Championship. What better way for our fighters, archers, marshals, MOLs, heralds and consorts to practice their crafts than happily among friends - no pressure, and with the opportunity for GLORY and sweet, sweet regalia!
June's schedule:Sun List (Heavy Weapons) - June 12th (after Moon)Moon List (Rapier) - June 12th (before Sun)Sky List (Archery) - June 19th
[Note: These tournaments began at the behest of our martial communities. We will hold a Thrown Weapons tourney when the community comes and says we should :) ]
If you're a marshal, MOL, or herald, we need your help! Have a great time practicing, too!
See you there!
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