There is new Baronial News at the Stórfréttir!<br /><br />Missive from the Ice Dragon A&S Pentathlon Coordinator<br />Posted by: Arts and Sciences Minister<br /><br />
The folks who are planning on entering special instruction categories need to contact me by midnight tonight [February 15th]:Several categories have special preparation needs, especially this year Entrants are required to contact the Pent Coordinator before registeringThese categories are: - Beverages - Culinary Arts - Curiosa - Performance ArtsThey have until the regular registration deadline of March 1st to upload their documentation, etc. - today is only pre-registration to indicate intent of entering.Everybody's documentation and photos, etc in all categories except written word and the written part of Applied Research needs to be uploaded by March 1st.You cannot keep finetuning your documentation and turn the final version in at the event. The judges will start looking at stuff on March 2.Mistress Cori
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