There is new Baronial News at the Stórfréttir!<br /><br />Lady Rowan - Final Arrangements (Dec 4th)<br />Posted by: Hilderun Hugelman<br /><br />
As we announced previously, Lady Rowan ni Naradhaigh sadly passed away on November 12th. Here are the details of her final arrangements, from her husband, Lord Ffynthcor:
A memorial will be held for my wife, Dawn FitzGerald-Swidal, on Saturday December 4th at 4pm at the Unitarian Universalist Church of the North Hills (2359 W Ingomar Rd, Pittsburgh, PA 15237).
This event will also be live-streamed on youtube for anyone who would love to attend but can't, and there is already a placeholder for it at this address:
Masks and vaccinations are required (per the venue, and she would ardently desire it be respected). As such, children, unless fully vaccinated, are sadly not permitted. All will have the opportunity to share a thought or a story, and I hope that you will.
If you desire to make a donation in honour of Dawn, please consider Though not a local organization, it was one she enjoyed very much, and was typically found with one of their live-streams up. Oh how she doted on new kittens as they came in, and on kind behavior of older cats caring for them. If you would prefer to donate more locally, we encourage you to do so. and are both wonderful options, but there are countless others.
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