There is new Baronial News at the Stórfréttir!<br /><br />Turlough's Pouch Project<br />Posted by: Arts and Sciences Minister<br /><br />
If you were able to attend the recent coronation event, or if you are an avid reader of Court Reports, you probably saw this item:
Her Majesty was very pleased by the Arts and Sciences display and wanted to recognize her choices for the day, Turlough Feolain and Douceline de la Hay, with rings from her hand.Final Court of Maynard and Liadain Coronation, 25 September a.s. 56
Turlough is local to the Barony, but he and his spouse Finé (fee-nyuh) joined just before lockdown, so not everybody knows them well. Together they built the vardo camping trailer that you may have seen at the Barony meeting. So what was Turlough displaying at Coronation? I reached out to Turlough regarding this project and he sends:
This is a fancy kidney pouch with brass mounts and buckle. The body has "accordion" side panels that allow it to hold more than one would guess, a modern contrivance for cell phone accommodations. The fine black leather is layered with a second thicker leather for sturdiness. The pouch is decorated with red stitching and the closure strap has a simple tooling pattern for added visual interest.
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