There is new Baronial News at the Stórfréttir!<br /><br />Missive from the Kingdom Seneschal in regard to Rattan and Rapier Combat<br />Posted by: Muirgheal Inghean Dubhghaill<br /><br />
Good Gentles all, Here are the words from the Kingdom Seneschal. The Officers and the Marshals will be in conference. More information will be forthcoming.Muirgheal inghean DubhghaillFrom Master Illadore:Please read the whole email, as it has specifics.First and foremost, Their Majesties, the Deputy Kingdom Seneschal forPandemics (Duke Christopher), the Earl Marshal (Master Morien) and Ihave determined that AEthelmearc can start fighting and fencing again,starting May 10, 2021. This change is due to the Board of Directorsand Society Seneschal's clarifications on what is allowed at SCAevents and gatherings.To clarify - fencing and fighting can start May 10, 2021; however, allparticipants must follow SCA guidelines:1) Everyone must wear a mask. (This means over the mouth and nose, notover the helm.)2) You can only take your mask off to eat or drink - and you must bestationary AND follow social distancing guidelines.3) You must bring your own food and water.4) All fencing and fighting must be outside. (This is a change from gatherings.)The SCA also will not require vaccinations to participate; however, ifa site owner (including homeowners) is requiring people to bevaccinated to come to their home, they have the right to do that.Enforcement, however, is on them, not the SCA. It is the homeowner whois responsible for deciding what proof they will accept, for anychecking of that proof, and for any enforcement. It needs to be madeclear that this is a rule of the homeowner, not the branch of the SCA.Thank you so much and please contact me if you have any questions,Illadore de BedegrayneKingdom Seneschal
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