There is new Baronial News at the Stórfréttir!<br /><br />Call for Letters: Webminister<br />Posted by: Kameshima Zentarou Umakai<br /><br />
Unto the Barony, greetings from Kameshima Zentarou Umakai, Webminister.
For the last four years, it has been my honor and privilege to serve as the Baronial Webminister. In that time, we have seen the modernization of the Baronial Website, the flourishing of Stórfréttir, the Baronial Blog, and its establishment as a primary means of information dissemination throughout the Barony.
Alas, all good things must come to an end, and my second term in this office will do so at the Baronial Business meeting currently scheduled for April 7th. Thus, as is tradition in our Barony, I am calling for letters of intent for this office.
The website is coded in HTML, CSS and PHP, so familiarity with those technologies is certainly desirable in a potential candidate. Stórfréttir is written on the WordPress platform, so again, experience with that platform is a plus. However, nothing on the website involves coding at a particularly deep level, so someone with basic programming knowledge should be able to pick up what is needed. And, of course, there is an Officer's Handbook available that explains most of the ins and outs.
Letters of intent should be submitted to and no later than April 7th. Any questions can be directed to me at
In Honor and Service,亀島Kameshima Zentarō Umakai土地の議論のウェブサイト管理者Webminister, Barony-Marche of the Debatable Lands
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