There is new Baronial News at the Stórfréttir!<br /><br />I Genesii!<br />Posted by: Chronicler<br /><br />
Greetings from I Genesii, the Greatest Commedia d'el Arte Troupe in the Knowne World!!We have a question for you, lovely people of (your city here), Do you need advice on love and relationships? Would you like to ask the professionals how you can have a better love life? Good News. You can do that, This Saturday at the Barony Marche of the Debatable Lands Twelfth Night online extravaganza!Simply submit your question on the form below, and Octavia and Felicio will answer it during our Love Canals segment!Please read all warnings before using. Do not taunt the form. We are unable to give medical advice. No, we don't know what that rash is. Void where prohibited. Users in Rome and Istanbul must pay appropriate taxes. Not recommended for children under the age of 16. No refills.
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