There is new Baronial News at the Stórfréttir!<br /><br />Gift Exchange! Sign Up by Jan 2nd<br />Posted by: Hilderun Hugelman<br /><br />
A Mid-winter Holiday Gift Exchange in the Barony? Yes, please! Harkening back to the days the Barony did “Secret Santa” gift exchanges, we are having a Secret Gifter Gift Exchange this year. Here's how it works:
--Throw your name in by midnight tomorrow, January 2nd, and you’ll be given a recipient to give to on January 3rd.
--Send or drop off your gift to your recipient so they have it *in hand* by January 15th. Gifts should be $20-ish or round about 2 maker-hours. You'll receive a gift by then, too!
--At the 12th Night Social on January 16th, at 2:30pm, we'll unwrap our gifts together! [Note that this part is optional... you can totally participate in the gift exchange without going to the online unwrapping party.]
--Sign up here: .
Hurry, time is running out!
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