There is new Baronial News at the Stórfréttir!<br /><br />Movie Viewing - Revised<br />Posted by: Gwendolyn the Graceful<br /><br />
After a test run, it appears that using the Zoom for this may not work.
I can run the film on my Discord. If you want to view the movie, you will need to download and install Discord on your own computer, and then subscribe to the Discord server.
Steps to configure Discord:
1. download the app open & log in
2. add Gwen's server
3. Adjust sound settings (you may have to click on the mic and then authorize your computer to use the mic and camera and such)
4. Maybe restart the app?
5. if you still can't hear things, look on the channel and see if there's a thing to click on that says to authenticate
Gwen's server:
Sorry about the additional platform, but you'll want to be able to see and hear....
Ever in Service,
<br /><br />-----<br /><br />To see or comment on this post on the Stórfréttir, click here:<br><img src="" width="1" height="1" />