There is new Baronial News at the Stórfréttir!<br /><br />From Their Majesties<br />Posted by: Hilderun Hugelman<br /><br />Unto home bound Aethelmerac do Timothy and Gabrielle send greetings,
Things in the world around us are filled with chaos and uncertainty. We have all seen the horror stories of people hoarding things and price gouging things, not caring for their fellow man. However, here in the SCA, we see, hear and read story after story of people looking after the people in their community, whether scadian or mundane. It is very reassuring to be shown time and time again the quality of people who make up the circle of friends we call Aethelmearc and indeed the Society.
While there is a small part of us that is sad that the remaining royal progress events we had scheduled have all been canceled or postponed, We would much rather do what is in the best interests of all our members, and indeed the mundane world around us. We have had a phenomenal time serving this kingdom, and know that these decisions are for the best.
Since so many of you have asked, as of now, the plans for Coronation are still fluid. As of now, Coronation still is planned for April 4th, but it will be very limited, but plans may change, so that the event and ceremony can be a grand celebration worthy of them. They have both always served our Kingdom in with every ounce of energy once could ask for, and we hope their special day can be glorious and memorable.
Most of the items on our court dockets will be absorbed by TRHs, but there are a few that they have graciously allowed us to do as regency courts in their name once things return to normal.
Keep doing those things that make Aethelmearc a model of kindness and generosity that we only wish the world around us would follow. We have been honored and privileged to count ourselves amongst your numbers for many years, and will continue to do so until we no longer walk the earthy,
Timothy and Gabrielle<br /><br />-----<br /><br />To see or comment on this post on the Stórfréttir, click here:<br><img src="" width="1" height="1" />