There is new Baronial News at the Stórfréttir!<br /><br />Special Sewing Circle Scroll case Saturday Dec 7th.<br />Posted by: Sewing<br /><br />
On December 7th, there is a special Saturday scroll case sweatshop. It starts at 10am and will go until 6pm. The location is also 1105 Shady Avenue in Point Breeze. We have lots of cardboard blanks and lots of fabric remnants. You are welcome to bring larger fabric remnants if you have some, about 1/2 yard is the smallest useful size. I will ask that you take home your remants if we don't use them. The goal is to use up the fabric I already have. Bring a machine or serger if you have one available. The more machines, the easier the assembly line gets. I will be providing bagels, juice, coffee & tea, tables & chairs, cardboard and fabric. You bring the sweat. We want to finish lots of scroll cases for the upcoming Twelfth Night events. Award scrolls need scroll cases. There are two resident cats, so medicate as needed. If you have questions you can contact me by email sewing at debatablelands dot org, or send email to Hara Kikumatsu. You can find the email address in the dark pages.
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