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Greetings all,</div><div>In the interest of helping Their Majesties <a class="gmail-profileLink" title="Timothy B. Taylor" href="https://www.facebook.com/timothy.b.taylor.7?__tn__=%2CdK-R-R&eid=ARDiVShvz2vRUNYkNXj_HDjjHCw3XrhH9eWw51okoe5A3pRlZ1n2a8Ji4KCT8DrSQvkhb3LBoGE57keZ&fref=mentions">Timothy</a> and <a class="gmail-profileLink" title="Gabrielle Taylor" href="https://www.facebook.com/gabrielle.taylor.90?__tn__=%2CdK-R-R&eid=ARBM3FnL5chPv1PCQYxkgql8t1ylk78wYjTkg0qw01i6kyRmlho2D4nmouclK2KuZV-Fl5sAqXDnhL2S&fref=mentions">Gabrielle</a>
promote cut and thrust fencing - if you are interested in it, or
interested in seeing it, or in trying it, please seek me out. I will
have an extra set of protective equipment with me this reign for the
specific purpose of sharing the fun. We can look at it, talk about it,
or try it. Just ask, and I will help.</div> -Clewin Kupferhelbelinc