There is new Baronial News at the Stórfréttir!<br /><br />Upcoming A&S Opportunities<br />Posted by: Arts and Sciences Minister<br /><br />There is so much to explore in our great Barony! Here's a list of some of the upcoming A&S-related meetings.
Tonight! Wednesday 8/28
Scribal gathering at Mistress Graidhne's house from 6-9pm. Address is available in the Dark Pages.
Tomorrow!! Thursday 8/29
Scribal East will be held from 7-9pm at Lady Ceindrech's home in Monroeville. Address is available in the Dark Pages.
September 2nd
BMDL Choir Practice at 7:30pm at Mistress TS'vee'a's house. Address is available in the Dark Pages.
September 5th
Sewing Guild sewing circle from 7:30-9:30pm at THL Hara's house (1105 Shady Ave., 15232)
September 10th
Fiber Guild meeting from 7-9pm at Songbird Artistry (4316 Penn Ave., 15224)
September 11th
Brewer's Guild meeting from 7-9pm at THL Muirgheal's house. Address available in the Dark Pages.
September 15th
Woodworking Guild Workshop day from 10am-2pm at Ishiyama's shop (1105 Shady Ave, 15232)
For those who aren't aware, the Dark Pages is an awesome resource that you can access from the Resources tab on the baronial website!<br /><br />-----<br /><br />To see or comment on this post on the Stórfréttir, click here:<br><img src="" width="1" height="1" />