There is new Baronial News at the Stórfréttir!<br /><br />New Baronial Champions!<br />Posted by: Hilderun Hugelman<br /><br />
Choosing Baronial Champions is always difficult, particularly for the peaceful arts. This past Saturday at 12th Night, our Artisans, Scientists and Bards came out in force, and showered the Barony with their gifts of art. The Baronial Bardic Competition had a record 11 entrants, and had the audience in tears of both sorrow and laughter. The Arts & Sciences Display was a wonder to behold, and included beginners to Laurels, some very impressive documentation, and all the works displayed were representative of the talent of our bright A&S Community. Without further ado:
Your New Baronial Bard: Lady Beatrix of AngleseySeconded by: Brehyres Gwendolyn the Graceful
Your New A&S Champion: Lady Aurelia Argentia PrimaSeconded by: The Honorable Lady Rachel Dalicieux
Vivant the New Champions, seconds, outgoing Champions (Mistress Fredeburg and Mistress Arianna), and all those gentles who put themselves forth for consideration!
In Levitate et Caritate, and Cheers,Baron Brandubh and Baroness Hilda
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