There is new Baronial News at the Stórfréttir!<br /><br />Court report for Pennsic 47<br />Posted by: Kieran MacRae<br /><br />Greetings from your Comet Pursuivant! Here is the overdue court report of Baron Brandubh and Baroness Hilderun, for Pennsic 47, August 5th, AS 53.<br /><br />Their Excellencies welcomed all in attendance and bade them seek their comfort.<br /><br />First, Their Excellencies recognized Lord Alistair MacLeod as one of only five archers who finished the Known World Baronial Archery Champions Shoot.<br /><br />With many Baronial Champions tournaments being held in the coming days, Their Excellencies wished to announce each one and the representatives from the Debatable Lands participating.<br />-On Tuesday at 12:30, Fox, Adam, and Xavier will participate as D2, D1, and D3 champions in the Known World Baronial Youth Tournament  at the youth field.<br />-On Tuesday at 1:00, Lord Thomas of the Debatable Lands will represent the BMDL as its champion in the Known World Baronial Thrown Weapons Tournament.<br />-On Wednesday at 9:00, Lord Robert MacEwin will represent the BMDL as its champion in the Known World Heavy Weapons Baronial Champion Tournament.<br />-On Wednesday at noon, THL Ru Cavorst will represent the BMDL as its champion in the Known World Baronial Rapiers Champion Tournament.<br /><br />Their Excellencies invited Comtesse Elena d’Artois for Academy of Defense business. (Any more details needed?)<br /><br />Ihtiaziz bint al-Gani was called forward to be recognized by Their Excellencies for her scribal work, and was awarded a silver comet. Scroll by Nichola Beene.<br /><br />Their Excellencies bade Yungerz approach them to award him a gold comet for being the mastermind of two appearances by the BMDL in Pittsburgh’s St. Patrick’s Day parade. Scroll illuminated by Rivka bat Daniyel, calligraphy by Ceindrich verch Elidir. <br /><br />Lord Alistair MacLeod was called back before Their Excellencies, along with Lady Arthes MacLeod. Their skills on the archery range ha!
ve become known throughout the Debatable Lands, so they were both awarded an iron comet. Matching scrolls illuminated by Edana the Red, calligraphy by Arianna Wynthrope.<br /><br />Their Excellencies invited Brehynes Gwendolyn the Graceful to come before them and be recognized for her service as social media deputy, and was given a gold comet. Scroll by Ihtiaziz bint al-Gani.<br /><br />Their Excellencies called upon Mistress Ts'vee'a bas Tseepora Levi to join them, so that they could recall the many, many ways she has served the barony over many years, and how she continues to serve and make a positive impact on the barony and its members. Their Excellencies then called those members of the Order of Copernicus to come forward and witness as Mistress Ts'vee'a was inducted as a fellow member. Scroll illuminated by Rivka bat Daniyel, calligraphy by Ceindrich verch Elidir.<br /><br />Their Excellencies asked all those who ran the half marathon to please stand and be recognized and appreciated for their feat.<br /><br />Their Excellencies then asked all of those who answered the call to guard the kingdom gate at the last minute and be recognized: THL Rufina Saavedra (and Grendl), Master Alaric MacConnel, THL Marjorie of Kent, Lady Ceindrich verch Elidir, and Master Dani of the Seven Wells.<br /><br />Lady Kattera and her staff were asked by Their Excellencies to come forward and be recognized and appreciated for putting together the Baronial Dinner.<br /><br />His Excellency reminded the populace about the Pennsic Thrown Weapons and Archery teams, that those who are interested in trying out for those teams would need to do so no later than Monday at 5:30.<br /><br />Their Excellencies called forward all scribes and wordsmiths who contributed to scrolls that went out during court to be recognized and receive a token from Her Excellency.<br /><br />Her Excellency invided all who wish to display Baronial insignia upon the field of honor to see Their Excellencies immediately after court to receive a Baronial !
br /><br />The populace was reminded by Their Excellencies about the Debatable Choir's concert performance and ii Genesii's performance on Monday evening, both at the Performing Arts tent.<br /> <br /><br />Court seconded by Nichola Beese.<br /><br />Submitted by Kieran MacRae.<br /><br />-----<br /><br />To see or comment on this post on the Stórfréttir, click here:<br><img src="" width="1" height="1" />