There is new Baronial News at the Stórfréttir!<br /><br />There is something for everyone this weekend!<br />Posted by: Odriana vander Brugghe<br /><br /><br /><br />This weekend is pretty much all things SCA. There will be something going on in the Barony both days this weekend - pace yourselves and you can make it to everything so you don't miss anything fun!<br /><br />Saturday, 17 March<br />We will be doing a demo as part of the Pittsburgh St. Patrick's Day Parade. The staging area will be on Liberty Ave, South Side. The truck team has to arrive at 8:30am. Marchers at 9. The parade starts at 10, but that is the front of the parade, we’ll be waiting a bit, so don’t worry about being a tad late.<br /><br />There will be horses, pageantry, random drunks, families, and us being awesome. This year our equestrians will be joining us and we will look amazing. So, wear your warm medieval clothing, bring your banners, and get all of your steps in while we show our best face to our friends and neighbors in Pittsburgh.<br /><br />If you have any questions about the Parade, please contact the coordinator, Yingerz, at ying762(at)yahoo(dot)com.<br /><br />Sunday, 18 March<br />The March Barony Meeting will be held at the Pittsburgh Chinese Church (map and directions) starting at 1:00 p.m. and going until around 3:30 p.m.<br /><br />What do you have to look forward to? Updates from your officers, announcements, and the usual camaraderie. If you would like to share an event or something of interest to the Barony, contact the Comet Persuivant, Maighster Kieran MacRae at herald(at)debatablelands(dot)org before the meeting to get on the docket or just grab him before the meeting begins. If you've been thinking about an event or something that you would like to do or see in the Barony, this is a perfect time to talk with us.<br /><br />Just following the meeting, in keeping with stuff from the 80s being fashionable again, join Odriana for a recommendation letter writing party. There will be note cards, envelopes,!
postage, beverages, and some snacks. There will be some examples available for you to work from, there will be an internet connection so we can check the OP, and if you like to study beforehand, please check out the article on the Aethelmearc Gazette written by Duchess Dorinda and updated by our own Baroness Hildarun. There's also a recent article from THL Madoc on the Gazette.<br /><br />If you have any questions about the Barony meeting, please contact Odriana at jenn(dot)strobel@gmail(dot)com.<br /><br />So much going on means even more changes to have fun. We hope to see you there!!<br /><br />-----<br /><br />To see or comment on this post on the Stórfréttir, click here:<br><img src="" width="1" height="1" />