There is new Baronial News at the Stórfréttir!<br /><br />Tavern in the Park -- A and S for All<br />Posted by: Arts and Sciences Minister<br /><br /> What better way to pass the last of Winter’s Chill than sharing arts in a Tavern?<br />There will be two competitions and a few different display options: First competition will be Scroll Blanks with Illumination from based on the personas of their Excellencies. Her Excellency’s name is turn of the millennium German but she mostly dresses late 14th c. England (she likes to think from around Ipswich). His Excellency is 14thC Irish, dwelling in England. Basic documentation is requested, max one (1) page. This will be judged in 4 levels: youth (under 18), novice (less than 1 year), intermediate (1-3 years), advanced (3+ years).<br /> <br />The second competition will be about Tavern items. What nonperishable items can you find in a Tavern? Cups, plates, silverware, games, tables, benches, chairs, signs, etc. Documentation is required, min one (1) page. This will be judged Youth and Adult.<br />Mistress Odriana is sponsoring a Table of Fail. Everyone makes mistakes. What are yours? Bring your projects that took a wrong turn or didn’t quite work out. Show them off and get some help! I myself will be displaying an item or two.<br /> <br />Another display option is in the Artist’s Forum. Display a few pieces of work and from 1-2pm, stay with your work and talk about your work with whoever wants to know. Many times, people want to know about what you do but don’t know who to ask. Help spread your knowledge and love of arts and science to the curious.<br /> <br />The last display option is for pre-Ice Dragon Pentathlon items. You slaved over the winter to ready your slew of items. Trapped by mighty winds and mounds of snow, you may not have talked about or shown your items to anyone. Here is your opportunity for feedback on your work(s) in progress or completed works. Either leave a notebook for people to write in or stay by you!
r work or both!<br /><br />You can reach Eilionora inghean an Bhaird at daughterofthebard AT gmail DOT com with any questions about the competitions or displays.<br /><br />-----<br /><br />To see this post on the Stórfréttir, click here:<br><img src="" width="1" height="1" />