There is new Baronial News at the Stórfréttir!<br /><br />Bardic Championship at 12th Night<br />Posted by: Baronial Bard<br /><br />Our next Baronial Bard will be chosen at the upcoming BMDL 12th Night celebration! Our most excellent Baroness Hildarun suggested a theme of "something old, something new". This being the Debatable Lands, in which submissions to our annual pie competition can be anything even remotely pie-like, our Bardic competition will follow suit and interpretations upon the theme will be accepted very generously. Possible examples include, but are not limited to:<br /><br />- a new bard performing a historical piece<br />- an old, erm, sorry, "experienced" bard performing a newly learned piece<br />- a new piece written about a historical event/person/situation<br />- an established performer competing for Baronial bard for the first time, or even for the first time for this Baronage<br />- a young bard performing a piece older than themselves<br /><br />Get as creative as you like in interpreting the new/old aspects. The competition is scheduled to be held around 3pm in the Silver Room. Perform one piece that falls somewhere under the "Bardic Arts" umbrella. Song, poetry, story, instrumental pieces, all welcome, but please keep performances to no more than 5 minutes. The judges will be our Baron and Baroness. They like to be entertained, they like to be moved (emotionally only, please) and they can appreciate historical or historically-inspired pieces. The Baronial Bard's primary duties are to compete in the Seven Pearls competition and organize next year's competition for their replacement.<br /><br />To compete, please contact me at silencethebard [at] gmail, or find me the day of the event. I will be wearing the Baronial Bardic Blingy Baldric, which shall be passed to the incoming champion.<br /><br />In Service and Song,<br />Silence de Cherbourg, BMDL Bardic Champion (outgoing)<br /><br />-----<br /><br />To see this post on the Stórfréttir, click here: http://debatablelands.!
org/blog/?p=1426.<br><img src="" width="1" height="1" />