There is new Baronial News at the Stórfréttir!<br /><br />Webminister FAQ<br />Posted by: Chronicler<br /><br />Good evening Barony!<br /><br />Recently I asked the officers of the BMDL to tell me what they do to tell the populace what the offices are and their responsibility I plan on posting this as a weekly series here as well as having it published in the Althing, to start off let's meet the Webminister!<br /><br />Office: Webminister<br /><br />What does the Webminister do? The Webminister maintains the content and oversees the administration of the Barony's web presence, located at (and also available at the easier to remember This includes both the static content of the Barony's web site, as well as Stórfréttir, the Barony's online blog. The Webminister also works with the Social Media Deputy to ensure that Stórfréttir information is properly disseminated to all the Barony's various social media outlets.<br /><br />What information does the website have? In addition to welcoming those who are learning about the SCA for the first time, the website has sections detailing the history of the Barony, upcoming events that the Barony is hosting, our regular activities such as guild meetings and martial activities, online resources such as a list of email lists relevant to Baronial activities, as well as contact information for all the officers, guildmasters and martial generals for the Barony.<br /><br />What's on the Blog? Stórfréttir, the Baronial blog, is the primary source of information for Barony-wide announcements, as well as various tidbits of information that the Barony might find useful or interesting. To get to Stórfréttir, go to, or go to the Barony's website and click "Stórfréttir" on the menu.<br /><br />What do I do if there's something I want to have on the website? Send email to and we can start a conversation about getting your information out to the publi!
c. After all, we're here to serve you!<br /><br />In Honor and Service,<br />亀島<br />Kameshima Zentarō Umakai<br />土地の議論のウェブサイト管理者<br />Webminister, Barony-Marche of the Debatable Lands<br /><br />-----<br /><br />To see this post on the Stórfréttir, click here:<br><img src="" width="1" height="1" />