There is new Baronial News at the Stórfréttir!<br /><br />BMDL Court report for Agincourt<br /><br />Greetings from your Comet Pursuivant!<br /><br />Here begins the report of the court of Brandubh et Hildarun, Baron and Baroness of the Debatable Lands, at Agincourt, occurring on Saturday, September 23, AS LII, Kieran MacRae, Comet Pursuivant, reporting.<br /><br />Their Excellencies presented a gift basket of largess, made by the hands of the good artisans of the BMDL, to Their Majesties Gareth and Juliana, to be used during their reign.<br /><br />Lord Markus Skalpr Grimson was called to announce the winners of the Pokerhand fencing tournament, and Mistress Gabrielle de Winter and Lady Ragna Haakonardottir were congratulated for their victories. For the Bar Room Brawl tournament, Countess Elena d'Artois, Don Jacob Martinson, and Nicole Coldren were recognized as victors.<br /><br />Master Morien McBain was called forward to announce the winners of the heavy weapons melee bout between, appropriately, the English and French forces. Though the English forces prevailed on the field, their leader, Earl Thomas Byron of Haverford was unable to stay to receive the spoils of the accomplishment. Earl Byron had given instructions to have his noble counterpart, Sir Ulrich von Schwartzburg, receive the prizes for victory.<br /><br />Lord Takematsu Gentarou Yoshitaka was brought forward to announce the winners of the archery tournament. Lord Alrekr Berghosen and Lord Ronan O'Connill were recognized as winners.<br /><br />Their Excellencies thanked THL Sumayya al Ghaziya for running a most excellent St. Crispin's A&S competition. Lady Rivka bat Daniyel won the novice division and THL Luceta di Cosimo won both the journeyman division as well as being announced the St. Crispin's champion.<br /><br />Their Excellencies thanked Baroness Constance Glyn Dwr for her work as the event's autocrat and invited her to recognize others who helped put the event together to make it so magnificent.<br /><br />!
Their Excellencies asked Raven Whitehart to come before them to thank her for her support of the Barony, teaching jewelry making at A&S nights, working at troll, and contributing beautiful scrolls for the Barony as a scribe. She was awarded a Comettus Amicus, the scroll a work in progress by Mistress Antoinette de la Croix.<br /><br />Young Katrina Bease was invited before Their Excellencies to be recognized for her hard work training as a youth fighter and involvement in various A&S activities, and was presented a purple comet. Scroll by her proud mother, Nichola Bease.<br /><br />Their Excellencies called Fox to present himself to be recognized for his skill and prowess as a youth fighter, winning the AEthelmearc division 2 champion tournament, as well as the Pennsic Known World baronial youth championship. Fox was given a purple comet, scroll by Lady Edana the Red.<br /><br />Their Excellencies called forth Nichola Bease and thanked her for creating such lovely scrolls to recognize residents of the Barony, and awarded her a silver comet. Scroll by Mistress Graidnhe ni Rua.<br /><br />Their Excellencies asked that all scribes and wordsmiths who contributed to scrolls that were distributed to rise and be recognized.<br /><br />There being no further business, the court of Their Excellencies was closed.<br /><br />-Kieran<br /><br />-----<br /><br />To see this post on the Stórfréttir, click here:<br><img src="" width="1" height="1" />